
A financial deal has many strings attached. Don't sign a contract until a legal professional has reviewed it. There will be two or three items that should be changed. If the other party won't accommodate you, look elsewhere for business. A government agency, hospital or university will be a good client who generates steady income. When one door closes, another is bound to open. Have faith in the unlimited bounty of the Universe. Be sure to get enough sleep before working on a detailed project.

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It feels like you're leading a double life. At work, you have to be friendly and open minded. At home, you must lay down the law. The dichotomy is taking a toll on you. Don't be so agreeable with customers and colleagues. Adopt a softer approach to your nearest and dearest. This change will make you feel like you're on stable ground. Falling in love with a friend could occur quite suddenly. This isn't a good time to confess your feelings.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Your health is flagging. Instead of pushing yourself to meet a deadline, slow down. Get some rest. Ask for help if you can't handle all this work by yourself. Normally, you do the work of two people. Even a dynamo like you has to slow down from time to time. Don't be afraid of being punished. On the contrary; you could be given a raise or bonus. It's obvious to everyone you have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Take a bow.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Resist the temptation to throw a temper tantrum. When you are treated like a child, you are going to act accordingly. It's time to demand a greater measure of control over your life. Whether this means being given access to a financial account or a key to a room is immaterial. The important thing is to defend your interests. A show of bravery could result in a travel opportunity. Don't be surprised when you are asked to go on a business trip.

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A faulty memory will undermine your productivity. Instead of groping for information, create a detailed instruction manual. This will allow you to finish seasonal jobs in record time. Fortunately, your love life is brimming with excitement. If you're single, you will make a love connection with a talented artist. You admire each other's work and may decide to collaborate on a project. Do you already have a partner? They may receive wonderful news that improves their financial situation.

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You won't get very far with chores. Every time you try to tackle a job, an obstacle rises to meet you. It might be better to postpone these duties. Construction projects and technological breakdowns can take a toll on your health. Fortunately, your best friend or romantic partner will be ready to soothe your ragged nerves. Enjoy being pampered and petted. If you're looking for love, you could find it at a house of worship or cultural gathering.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're worried about finances. Cutting back on expenses won't be easy. You've become accustomed to having certain creature comforts. Being forced to live on a shoestring budget will make you irritable. It's better to be deprived than get deeper and deeper in debt. Learning to live within your means is one of the most valuable skills you'll ever acquire. If you need more money, look for a lucrative job. It will take time to land this position, so be patient.

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It will be difficult to get your point across to a stubborn authority figure. Instead of wasting your breath, turn your attention to another project. Before much time has passed, your employer or an official will admit they made a mistake. At that point, you will be expected to correct it. Fortunately, you're good at creating solutions to problems. Once you fix this dilemma, you might want to seriously go into business for yourself. You're tired of taking orders from people who are out of their depth.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Working by yourself feels strangely odd. Unfortunately, the influential people in the group are determined to command the spotlight. Your services will be required behind the scenes. Home will serve as a tranquil haven from work anxieties. Let your family shower you with tender love and care. You dislike being coddled, but sometimes it's the best way to gather your strength. Sit back and enjoy some home cooked meals and kind gestures. Soon, your zest for life will come roaring back.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Working with a group will be aggravating. You're tired of trying to talk sense to people who are completely irrational. Instead of beating your head against this brick wall, conserve your energy. Work on a creative project after hours. This will be a welcome outlet for your frustration. The chance to take a short trip will arrive in the nick of time. You'll enjoy getting a change of scenery. Make sure to bring back some souvenirs to remind you of this interlude.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You will have to play second banana to someone who is less talented. Try not to dwell on your resentment. Bigger and better opportunities will arrive, as long as you take a proactive approach towards your career. Update your CV, gather a portfolio of work samples and make a list of professional references. Before very long you will hear of an opportunity that seems tailor made for you. There's nothing so liberating as leaving a bad situation for a good one.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone will urge you to try a fad diet or read a popular book. It will better to spend your energy elsewhere. You've always enjoyed going against the grain and have a profound distrust for fashionable movements. You'll soon be glad you decided to go your own way. The person who has been generating these materials will be exposed as a charlatan. Fill your free time with a creative project that has captivated your imagination. This work will attract fame and acclaim.

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