
Continuing to postpone an important decision will backfire. When in doubt, flip a coin. It's better to move forward than remain still. Part of the problem is you don't feel excited about any of the options presented. That's unfortunate but it can't be helped. Your situation will improve after you handle a tedious task terrifically. Someone who is impressed by your inventive approach will offer you an intriguing position. Use this opportunity; it's your chance to move on to greener pastures.

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You want to try something new but worry about seeming disloyal. If anyone questions your choice, explain you are ready for a change. Turn a deaf ear to anyone who tries to make you feel guilty about expanding your horizons. You've always been a creature of habit, but this has been somewhat limiting. Obey your impulse to venture into unfamiliar territory. You'll be delighted by what you discover. There's also a good chance you will make friends in the process.

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You're not feeling especially energetic. That's all right. You shouldn't feel compelled to entertain the public all the time. Assuming a low profile will give you a chance to attend to background tasks. Many people will notice your subdued attitude and ask about it. Simply explain you are tired and trying to recharge your batteries. If someone continually tries to perk you up, politely ask them for some breathing space. You'll recover more quickly when left to your own devices.

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Someone who is being sharp with you must be confronted. If you've done something to offend them, it's important to know. That way, you can avoid evoking such hurt feelings in the future. Chances are you are dealing with a person who is very jealous. Your leadership abilities help you move ahead of the pack. When people see this, they can become resentful. Don't apologise for being successful. Simply be extra compassionate towards envious individuals. They are their own worst enemy.

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You're extremely bored, but that doesn't give you license to be rude. Instead of simmering in silence, look for a better opportunity. Finding a challenging job or taking a course will make your bad mood vanish into thin air. It's important for a creative person like you to exercise your imagination at every opportunity. When you're forced to carry out the same routine day after day, your sunny personality gets engulfed in clouds. Break out of your dull routine, even if it means taking a risk.

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It feels like you are being sabotaged at work. The best way to defend your professional reputation is to do an excellent job. Fortify your skill by cultivating good relationships with your colleagues. You have a tendency to be hypercritical of others. The next time you feel compelled to point out what someone did wrong, take a deep breath. Give them a sincere compliment instead. When people feel like they are appreciated, they work harder to impress you.

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Dealing with a loss makes it difficult to concentrate on work. Instead of forcing yourself to be productive, take a break. Spend your free time doing something slow and deliberative, like digging in the earth, baking bread or sanding furniture. This will give you a chance to process your grief. Don't judge yourself for not reacting a certain way. There is no correct way to mourn. You might even be able to laugh and have fun while still feeling sad. It's all right. Be good to yourself.

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If there is anything you hate; it's feeling like a victim. Someone who has been making your life miserable shows no signs of stopping. If you can't escape their influence, do something nice for yourself. This can include anything from joining a gym to splashing out on new clothes to going on a retreat. When you treat yourself well, your confidence will grow stronger. At that point, you'll develop an inventive solution to eluding your tormentor. There is a light at the end of this tunnel.

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Someone will try to take credit for your work. Make sure you have a dated record of your documents and keep a file of work related emails. This will help you establish a timeline when questions arise. It's sad that others feel compelled to steal, but it happens. Remain calm when you discover evidence of theft. Appearing cool, calm and collected is important when filing a complaint. A mature attitude will win the confidence of colleagues. Throwing a fit will make you seem irrational.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It feels like you're treading water. If you want to make progress, you'll have to do something different. Adopt another method when applying for work. Are you looking for love? Be more or less aggressive, depending on your natural courtship style. Do you want to make inroads to a creative field? Rely on social connections. Whatever you have been doing is not working. Be experimental. The strangest approach may be the most effective. Ask an accomplished friend how they meet their goals.

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If you fall short of your goal, be gracious. How you behave will either open or close a door. It may seem like someone made the wrong decision when evaluating your work. Keep these feelings to yourself. Complaining will make you look like a sore loser. Demonstrating grace under fire will impress an executive who has been watching you from behind the scenes. Don't be surprised if you're offered a job with their organisation. Sometimes the biggest disappointments bring the greatest victories.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your energy is low. Instead of pushing yourself past the breaking point, take a nap. Eat nutritious food. Stay away from stressful situations. By treating yourself with kid gloves, you'll slowly recuperate. It will also help to stay away from social media sites. You're a very sensitive person. When you hear people making unkind remarks or read distressing news, you take it to heart. Instead of submerging yourself in the worst life has to offer, enjoy a book or movie that always lifts your spirits.

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