
Strong emotions regarding money, sex, and transformation could come to the surface. It feels as though life is taking a turn, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, this pivotal moment may inspire you to travel, write, or study. There's no better use of your time. If you've ever wanted to get an advanced degree or go on a trip around the world, now is the time to do it. Push the envelope!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Relationship concerns are all-consuming, forcing you to take the focus off of other matters. A financial or romantic partner needs to know you still appreciate their efforts. Relieving your associate of a dreaded chore may be the best way to prove your devotion. Rely on your intuition when it comes to satisfying their needs. Your subconscious knows exactly what words and deeds will restore the magic to this pairing.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Showing kindness and consideration towards co-workers is essential today. They can either make or break you, so it's wise to get on their good side. Think in terms of what is best for the group when proposing new ideas. Praising people's special talents will make you an instant hero. Recently, you've assumed a more reclusive position within your organisation. Focus on being more of a team player today.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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The culmination of a creative or romantic adventure fills you with joy. You've been dreaming of this moment for a long time, and now it's finally arrived. Celebrate by taking your nearest and dearest out for a night on the town. Your radiant glow will attract admiring glances wherever you go. If you've been contemplating a daring career move, present your proposal today, while the planets are solidly behind you.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Devotion to family could prompt you to do something special for your relatives. Taking the day off or arranging a special holiday could be on the cards. You're brimming with mischief, which makes you an especially popular figure with kids. If you've been contemplating having a child, now is a good time to conceive. An afternoon of intimate delights could extend into the evening hours. Fortunately, you've got lots of energy today!

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You're ready to put the knowledge you've accumulated to good use. Don't worry about how your work will appear to others; just concentrate on doing the best job you can. You'll be able to refine your efforts as you get more practice. In the meantime, you have an excellent opportunity to form a partnership with a very powerful individual. Draw on this person's strength and wisdom whenever insecurity starts to creep in.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Being able to afford the luxuries you desire gives you a cosy sense of security. If the wealth you want continues to elude you, it's time to take action. Brainstorming with a fearless partner can result in some profitable ideas. Writing a book, launching a local business, or teaching a class could start the flow of money into your bank account. Using your artistic talent to make your neighbourhood more attractive is also a possibility.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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It's no longer appropriate to keep your feelings hidden about an intense relationship issue. Wearing your heart on your sleeve will result in a remarkable breakthrough for you both. Finally, it will feel as though you are equal partners, instead of master and slave. Don't be surprised if your new dynamic generates lots of revenue. It's easier to make money when your hearts and minds are working together. Keep up the constructive dialogue.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're so sensitive today you may decide to withdraw from public view. It's natural, considering all the hard work you've performed over the last two weeks. If you feel as though your efforts have been unappreciated, do something nice for yourself. Planning an extended break or taking a course could give you a whole new lease on life. Stimulating your intellect will bring about a powerful personal transformation.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A social gathering allows you to vent some emotional frustrations that have been building. It feels great to let off steam with friends. You've got uncanny instincts when it comes to your family. Be sure to follow through on any spontaneous thoughts regarding an impulsive relative. This person will be grateful for your interest in their affairs, and may begin a whole new programme of self-improvement as a result.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A career matter could finally come to fruition, making you exhausted but exhilarated. You're ready to move on to the next phase. Don't be surprised if you find yourself spending more time at home. Familiar surroundings give you the strength and comfort you need to launch new plans. This is also a good time to catch up on your correspondence. Tell friends, neighbours, and relatives of the recent developments in your life.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A spiritual epiphany could occur today, providing both insight and contentment. You're no longer worried about impressing others. Instead, you're focused on discovering your own personal truth. Finding a way to put your talent to use is part of this journey. If you're currently doing work that doesn't speak to your soul, find a way to make money doing the things you really love. A part-time business could grow into a fully-fledged career.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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