
You have no intention of wasting your time on superficial relationships. You want a partner who is willing to commit to you, body and soul. Settling for anything less offends you. Stop wasting your time with a suitor who is unwilling to commit. If you're already in a relationship, make a grand gesture of love. Show your amour just how important they are to your health and happiness. Making a personal sacrifice for their benefit will make your bond stronger than ever.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Your romantic nature is showing and if you're looking for love, you'll find it at a nightclub, library, or antique store. Keep your eyes open for somebody who favours dark colours. The object of your affection exudes an air of mystery that is impossible to resist. Do you already have a partner? Then refrain from embarking on an illicit affair. You are too kind to put a loved one through any kind of torture. If things are truly over between you, break things off, quickly and honourably.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Taking care of your body is of primary importance. If you've neglected your health recently, you have a golden opportunity to lose weight, get toned, and feel better. It's just a matter of creating a sensible routine. Making time for daily exercise is a pain, but you'll soon be glad you made the effort. Remember it takes thirty days to establish a habit, so try to stay focused from now until the end of November. By that time, you'll look forward to taking a daily walk, run, or swim.

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Pouring yourself into a creative project gives you a new lease on life. You're tired of being told it's irresponsible to paint, write, or play music. An artistic person like you needs to express your imagination. When you don't, you become depressed and lethargic. Your sex appeal starts to wane, and it becomes difficult to find the love you desire. Don't be surprised when people start flirting with you the moment you pick up a brush, pen, or instrument.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Caring for those you love is your first priority. You can't stand to see a relative suffer, and will do everything in your power to relieve their pain. Doing some in depth research will reveal a programme that can assist your family member at very little cost. Don't hesitate to take advantage of this plan; it was created for precisely these kinds of situations. If you're thinking of buying a home, choose one that needs extensive repairs. You'll enjoy having a 'project'.

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You're funny and ferociously intelligent, so no wonder everyone seeks your company! If you're single, you'll make a love connection with a dark, mysterious stranger who follows you with their eyes. Their intense gaze fills you with excitement. Deep down inside, you've always wanted to be an object of desire. Now you are, it's as if you've discovered a superpower. Are you already in a relationship? Write a steamy love letter to your amour, outlining a naughty sexual fantasy.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Listening to uplifting songs helps you to make an important change. It may be time to confess a crush. In the past, you insisted being the one who was pursued. Following this rule in this case will lead to disappointment. The object of your affection is very shy and will miss all of your cues to approach. You'll have to spell things out, even at the risk of looking foolish. Still, at least you won't spend the rest of your life wondering what might have been.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Emotions come bubbling to the surface, making you restless and anxious. Channel these feelings into brisk exercise. Staying active will stop you dwelling on situations you cannot change. Playing sports is especially therapeutic. You may have bad memories of such activities from childhood. Now you're older you can enter into the spirit of fun without fear of judgement. It's all a matter of choosing supportive friends who understand and appreciate your intensity.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Deep empathy for the underdog prompts you to join a volunteer organisation. You're great at finding hidden resources to benefit the group. If there's a way to save money, obtain discounts, and get grants, you will do it. People admire your tenacity and will single you out as the most talented member of the group. Don't be surprised when you are offered a paying position. As tempting as it sounds, you might prefer working in a volunteer capacity.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're not terribly interested in being popular. In fact, it gives you pleasure to go against the grain. Friends and family are urging you to be more pleasant to the powers that be, but why should you? As far as you're concerned, respect is earned, not automatically granted. If you don't have any faith in an institution's leaders, be prepared to take the helm yourself. Running for office or applying for a prominent position will give you tremendous satisfaction.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Making long term plans is critical to your happiness; you're quite a visionary. Having an eye towards the future keeps you focused and productive. This would be a great time to break a bad habit, overhaul your lifestyle, or change career paths. It will take tremendous willpower to overcome old vices, but your efforts will pay off. It's just a matter of aligning yourself with people who have extensive histories of impressive achievements.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Exploring unknown territory is your first order of business. Everybody around you is afraid to approach the new person in the office or try the latest restaurant in town. Not you! You're intent on taking the plunge, even at the risk of disappointment. It looks as if you're in for a pleasant surprise. The fact you were the only one brave enough to break the ice will put you in good stead with a person or establishment. It's because of pioneers like you that progress is made.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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