
Beware of poking your nose where it doesn't belong. Invading someone's privacy will result in an unpleasant discovery. Think how you would feel if someone read your diary, peeked at your bank statement or listened to your phone calls. Wouldn't you feel violated? Could you ever trust such an individual again? Treating others as you want to be treated is the best rule of thumb. If you unintentionally stumble across sensitive information, keep it to yourself.

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Jealousy will undermine a close relationship. If you find yourself being envious of your best friend, romantic partner or business associate, take a few deep breaths. Remember the Universe is endlessly generous. Just because someone you know has been fortunate does not mean your luck has dried up. Do your best to rejoice over their success. Are you worried your amour has fallen in love with someone else? Chances are your fear is totally unfounded. Try being more objective.

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Don't be so quick to pass judgment on a colleague. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for someone's strange decision. Instead of heaping scorn on the perpetrator, ask what happened. Once you understand what occurred, you'll see they made the best choice under the circumstances. Think back to a time when you were unfairly accused of being careless. Weren't you angry and resentful? Avoid making the same mistake by giving others the benefit of the doubt.

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You're disillusioned with a romantic relationship. It's because you have unrealistic expectations of your partner. Instead of putting your amour on a pedestal, try accepting them for who they are. As soon as you acknowledge their shortcomings, your relationship will become more rewarding. Are you single? Resist the temptation to look for some fairy tale ideal. Be willing to date flawed people. You'll meet some interesting people, one of whom is your soul mate.

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A desire for independence causes you to push away relatives. You're tired of family members meddling in your business. It's important to be clear about your boundaries. Although you don't want anyone commenting on your love life, you would like to maintain contact with your kin. Meeting for celebrations and commemorative occasions is important for a sentimental person like you. It's not that you want to turn your back on the past; you simply want to be free to make your own future.

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Trying to keep a secret makes it difficult to communicate. You're afraid of giving away privileged information. Working in seclusion may be the best arrangement right now. You'll be impressed by how much progress you make. It's a good time to process paperwork and dispatch time sensitive duties. Give yourself a handsome reward at the end of the day. Treat yourself to some delicious takeaway. When give yourself incentives for working hard, you'll continually surpass expectations.

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Not paying attention to finances will have a disastrous effect. Take a few moments to review your bank balance and credit card statements. If you see any suspicious activity, report it immediately. You might notice some trends that are undermining your long term security. Simple measures like grocery shopping after you've eaten can save lots of money. When shopping online, you should also set strict spending limits. This will help you make your income work for you.

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A deep sense of resentment will trigger a family argument. You're tired of having to accommodate a demanding relative. Setting healthy boundaries is essential to correcting the power imbalance between you. Don't let anyone lay a guilt trip on you. You have a right to demand a more equitable agreement. If you have to employ home help for them or babysitter, so be it. You have obligations outside the home. Nobody can expect you to be everywhere at once.

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Collaborating with someone else won't work well. It's better for you to go solo. Trust your instincts, especially when it comes to creative projects. Trying to decide things by committee will dull your edge. It's possible you're working on something that is unlike previous efforts. Give yourself permission to experiment. People will be receptive to your ideas. Don't be surprised if you're asked to make a presentation to the whole group. Everyone will be interested to hear how this happened.

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Resist the temptation to denigrate a friend's choices. You never know how you would react if the tables were turned. That doesn't mean you should come to the rescue of someone who is always getting in trouble. You work hard to create a stable foundation for you and your loved ones. A person who is continually undermining their chances for success has to learn from their mistakes. They'll keep behaving foolishly until they're forced to deal with the consequences of their behaviour.

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Your ego is the enemy when it comes to being professional. If someone criticises your performance, remain calm. Think about whether their comments are warranted or not. It's possible there is a much better way to dispatch your duties. Be open to trying a different approach. You'll be impressed how much easier certain duties become once you change things. If an avowed enemy makes these remarks, so much the better. People will be impressed by your ability to handle them.

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Don't let emotional attachments interfere with rational thinking. Although you have a deep respect for cultural tradition, it's important to reflect on what is best for everyone involved. Imposing your beliefs on people who don't share them is unfair. Find a way to make resources readily available to everyone who wants them. You can always observe your beliefs in private. Resist the temptation to judge someone who has a different set of priorities.

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