
You're quick on your feet and able to make snap decisions. The faster you move towards your goal, the more successful you'll be. Keep the lines of communication open at all costs. When problems occur at work, send out a mass email. This will keep everyone in the loop and stop colleagues from getting in embarrassing situations. An opportunity to acquire valuable computer skills will fall into your lap. Take advantage of this generous program.

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Don't be pressured into taking an assignment that will put a lot more work in your place. If you're going to perform additional duties, you should be paid accordingly so ask for a rise. Stick to your guns even if your employer or customer pretends to be hurt by your request. You've always been a trustworthy, reliable worker and that is worth its weight in gold. If you don't believe it, see what happens when it looks like you're set to walk away from the bargaining table.

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Be direct with friends, relatives and colleagues. If there's something you want, say so. Don't feign indifference. When people realise how strongly you desire a job, relationship or favour, they'll do everything they can to help. Have you been thinking about launching a blog? This would be a great time to do so. You have a gift with words that is compelling. If you regularly update your posts, you could be offered an advertising job. Getting paid to come up with great ideas will be a buzz.

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Keep your feelings under wraps. Expressing disapproval for a plan will cause more trouble than it is worth. When faced with a frustrating situation at work, try to balance your life with enjoyable hobbies and social outings. This will remind you there is more to life than your job. Eventually, thinks will settle down in the professional realm. An oppressive authority figure will be replaced with a more competent official. At that point, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

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Developing a unique idea will be an exciting challenge. You have tremendous vision for a business. It's time to turn this dream into a reality. There won't be any problems attracting financial backers. An affluent executive will see the wisdom of your proposal and back it with seed money. Alternatively, you could get a generous loan from the bank. Seize this opportunity to work for yourself. You have all the makings of a successful entrepreneur. Put your managerial skills to good use.

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It's time to set long range plans. In the past, you were happy to work in the background, performing necessary jobs for busy executives. Now you have a great deal of experience that can allow you to land an important job. Start applying for more high profile positions. Your CV is more impressive than you realise. Allow it to circulate among the companies and organisations that have always impressed you. Working for a prominent employer will boost your confidence.

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You're optimistic about the future and with good reason. It looks like you will prevail in a legal matter. If you're awarded a handsome settlement, use the money to travel. Visiting countries that have always captivated your imagination will fuel your creativity. Don't be surprised when you rediscover a love for writing, painting or composing music. You've been blessed with considerable artistic talent. Polish this gift to a blinding brilliance.

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There's nothing you love more than sinking your teeth into a challenging project. Learning all about a particular writer, artist or director will give you an attractive glow. Don't be surprised when several people express romantic interest in you. While it's gratifying to be the centre of so much attention, you really just want to be with one devoted lover. Make dinner plans with a witty charmer who changes the way you look at the world. The two of you will enjoy an evening of heavy flirting.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're not ready to make a decision. Weighing your options will be more fun. Make a list of pros and cons and then deliberate over your choice. If you're torn between two romantic interests, you'll probably choose the admirer who challenges your intellect. The fastest way to your heart is through the brain. Are you already in a relationship? Make plans for an adventurous trip. A postponed business arrangement could finally get going again and put more money in your pocket.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Take this opportunity to tackle your list of chores. Recently, a lot of small jobs have been piling up. You've been too busy with a large project to attend to these matters. Now the pressure is easing and you'll be able to answer emails, phone calls and text messages. A colleague may need you to sign some documents. Go ahead and give your seal of approval. The longer you withhold permission, the harder it will be to take advantage of a terrific deal.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Planning a party appeals to your managerial skills. You know just what music, food and decorations will promote a festive air. If you're overwhelmed, ask a friend to run a few errands for you. They'll be happy to pick up supplies and follow up on invitation responses. Are you looking for love? You could find it with someone who has a gift for languages. There's something enticing about hearing sweet nothings uttered in a foreign tongue. The two of you make a compelling couple.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Thinking about the past could inspire an art project. Take this opportunity to recreate a favourite recipe from childhood or put together a photo album. Even if your upbringing was troubling, it's important to recollect the music, people and pets that uplifted and inspired you. Contacting an old friend could be a good use of your energy. You may be surprised to receive an enthusiastic reply. Everyone likes to know they made a positive difference in a person's life.

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