
You've reached the point of no return with regard to a spiritual matter. It's possible your beliefs are causing you grief. Maybe you don't see the Universe as a compassionate place. Perhaps you think you're not worthy of grace. It's even possible you think you're being punished. Whatever the source of your pain, you need to address it or you'll continue to miss all the joy life has to offer. Explore why you are here and what you have to contribute.

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Entering into a new social circle could present some surprising problems. Your involvement could be more expensive than you anticipated. Alternatively, your preconceived notions may prevent you from making friends. Being with other people is challenging your idea of who you are and where you are going. Instead of clinging to the old ways, explore the possibilities now being offered. One of these avenues could be quite liberating.

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It feels like you have hit the glass ceiling with regard to your career. A powerful business associate is blocking your way. And although this situation is entirely unfair, there's nothing much you can do about it. It's time to make plans for the future. Starting your own business may be the best way to avoid the office politics that have held you back in the past. Alternatively, you may decide to get specialised training to ensure job security.

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A moral dilemma could be keeping you awake at night. It's possible you have to hide a health problem from your employer or colleagues. And although you hate carrying out this deception, it may be the only way to keep your job. If your secret is revealed, don't get defensive. The calmer you remain in the face of pressure, the better off you'll be. In the event sexual harassment rears its ugly head, it is your duty to report it.

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Being forced to share your resources doesn't sit well with you. It may seem as though you're being asked to cover an unfair amount of a child or lover's expenses. Unfortunately, there's no alternative right now. Instead of raging against the situation, try to accept it with good grace. The tide will eventually turn in your favour. Until then, take pride in your role as benefactor. It's nice to know your hard work is helping this person to thrive.

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A close relationship is causing the Earth to shift beneath your feet. It's possible relatives and old friends do not approve of this alliance. And although you understand their concerns, you are drawn to your new associate like a bee to a magnificent flower. Perhaps this person's irreverence appeals to your inner child. You've been playing by the rules for such a long time it comes as a relief to be with a rebel.

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Embarking on a diet or exercise regime may force you to change your daily routine. All of a sudden, you will have to avoid your favourite restaurants and friends. It's not that you want to be unsociable; it's just you're determined to feel better. If it means taking a temporary break from your old haunts, so be it. Try to fill your free time with intellectual pursuits like writing and reading. Spending time by yourself will probably be a good thing.

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Expressing your creative side could get you into trouble because few people seem to appreciate your dark sensibilities. And while this rejection is painful, it shouldn't deter you from doing the sort of work you enjoy. Some people will question your sanity, saying it's madness to pursue a hobby which doesn't generate any income. Turn a deaf ear to these cynics. You need to develop a talent before you can earn money from it.

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You may feel a strong urge to move to a different location, one that is a better reflection of your personality. Unfortunately, such a neighbourhood is probably out of your price range. Instead of plunging yourself into poverty, find a way to bloom where you are planted. Never fear; you will be able to relocate in a few months' time. Until then, though, you've got to reconcile yourself to living in uncomfortable surroundings.

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Being thrust into a strange environment reveals your ignorance in several areas. You may be forced to learn a new skill in very stressful surroundings. If there's anything you hate, it's looking foolish in front of others. Pretending you know what you are doing will only compound the problem. Admit you are out of your depth, and ask for help whenever you need it. Being dependent on others will be a serious but worthy challenge for you.

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You may have to associate with some pretty shady characters in order to get ahead. Take every precaution of protecting yourself from theft, as you really can't trust these people. And whilst the prospect of lots of pay is tempting, you may decide this position is more trouble than it is worth. If you're really in a tight financial spot, try finishing this job as quickly as possible. The longer you stay, the harder it will be to leave.

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Coming to terms with your personal power can be an unsettling experience. It's possible you've been harbouring anger towards an authority figure for some time. A fear of confrontation has prevented you from expressing your feelings in the past. Today it could come pouring out in a shocking gush. Try not to beat yourself up if you are forced to find another job. You outgrew this position long ago. Now is your chance to start fresh.

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