
Your sensual side isn't satisfied, making you irritable. People are starting to wonder what is wrong with you. Normally, you're upbeat and cheerful. Even when you're angry, it never lasts for long. It's time to take matters into your own hands. Treat yourself to a day of luxury. Get a massage, luxuriate in a hot bath, or splurge on some silk undergarments. Enjoy a delicious meal at your favourite restaurant. You shouldn't have to suffer just because you lack companionship.

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Forming a relationship for financial security will be disastrous. You're better off going solo or holding out for love. If you're already in a relationship, assure your partner that you value them for their heart, not their wallet. Someone who has been flattering you should be held at arm's length. You don't want to become a victim of this opportunist. It's better to stay close to people who have proven their loyalty over the years. Their friendship is more precious than gold.

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Getting paid what you deserve will be difficult. There isn't a lot of money in the budget. It also doesn't help that your boss is being careful with the cash. Resist the temptation to leave a steady position. It's always easier to find a job when you already have one. Be discriminating about finding the ideal position for you. The last thing you need is to jump out of the frying pan and into a fire. In the meantime, tighten your belt and don't go on any shopping sprees.

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It's a little daunting to abandon responsibility for fun. You've always been extremely conscientious. Letting your hair down is difficult, because you are afraid you will be neglecting someone in the process. Stop worrying. You have a right to leisure, just like everyone else. Catering to a child's every whim will create serious problems. Your young friend must learn they are not the centre of the Universe. If they don't, they will have a hard time coping with the disappointment that invariably touches everyone's life.

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You're experiencing some estrangement with family. On the one hand, it saddens you to be at odds with your kin. On the other, it's a relief to escape their constant interference. Turn a deaf ear to acquaintances who urge you to repair these relationships. They don't understand the full extent of what happened. Besides, you should take this opportunity to develop your own tastes and standards. Just because you were raised a certain way doesn't mean you have to adhere to these values.

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You might have to do without a car or computer. Gadgets have a way of breaking down, slowing the progress of your daily life. This is a blessing in disguise. Ordinarily, you move at the speed of light. Now you don't have certain technology at your disposal, you have to fill your time in another way. Friends will pester you to attend a big social event, but you're really not in the mood. You'd rather catch up on your reading or do a few puzzles.

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Money is tight. You won't be able to afford expensive outings. This puts a damper on your social life. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, find ways to have fun without spending a lot of money. Playing cards, preparing home cooked meals and reading library books will pass the time. You may miss a special outing or a gathering or two, but you will benefit from following a more relaxed schedule. It's important to look attractive and well groomed at work, because your boss is monitoring you very closely.

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Looking on the dark side will cause problems in your professional life. If you're given a seemingly impossible assignment, stay calm. You'll be able to carry out this job, provided you remain positive. If you lack the necessary training to deal with this kind of work, call on an expert. Their advice will help you spin straw into gold. Whenever anyone asks how your career is faring, paint a rosy picture. Opportunities come to those who project positive energy.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Depression will rear its ugly head. It might be difficult to get out of bed. Why not give yourself a reprieve? Clear your calendar of social commitments and enjoy a day of relaxation. Combat the clouds by listening to cheerful music and watching upbeat comedies. Resist the urge to wallow in self pity. Above all, stay away from the Internet. You may be tempted to indulge in an online shopping spree that proves too rich for your blood.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Friends won't be around to help you out, which is devastating. You've always gone out of your way to assist your nearest and dearest. Now the shoe is on the other foot and they are nowhere to be found. Maybe it's time to reconsider these relationships. You have a commanding personality that attracts people from all walks of life. Your job remains to form affiliations that involve both giving and taking. Keep an eye open for nurturing, intuitive types.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An embarrassing setback will occur at work. Be ready to take the blame for a mistake, even if it's not totally your fault. Your boss needs to know somebody is willing to make amends for a shoddy job, instead of perpetually passing the buck. Your colleagues will be so busy pointing fingers that the problem will never be addressed, until you take the initiative. You will have to work late hours to rectify this matter. Cancel your evening plans.

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Someone can lay a guilt trip on you. Don't fall for these tactics. If you have plans and can't attend a wedding or party, so be it. You shouldn't feel obligated to go to parties. Besides, you're giving loved ones too much say over your personal life. The only one who should set your social calendar is you. A persuasive lover will try to tempt you into buying an expensive gift. Remain firm. You simply should not splash out on such luxuries and indulgences right now.

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