
Setting yourself apart from the crowd will lead to career success. Take this opportunity to make a bold proposal about a product or service. Your idea will make your employer lots of money. Consequently, you'll be in a good position to get a raise, promotion or both. If you need a private place to work, make your request now. Your boss will do whatever they can to make you happy. You're the most valued member of the team.

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You have a chance to get some advanced training. The more you know, the easier it will be to find a satisfying job. Be willing to make some temporary sacrifices for the long term future. Lay the groundwork for launching your own business. Being your own boss is a scary prospect, but try it anyway. You have great instincts about what the public wants. By catering to an untapped market, you'll make a handsome profit. Use this money to travel.

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An intimate relationship gives a welcome sense of security. If you're worried about the future, talk to your romantic partner. They'll give you the assurance you need to move forward. The prospect of getting involved in a group project is intimidating. After getting a pep talk from your amour, you'll be able to participate with confidence. Soon, team members will become close friends. These people will have a profound impact on your outlook. Prepare to become more spontaneous and daring.

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Working with a partner will give you more confidence. Instead of taking a back seat to colleagues, you'll assume centre stage. Your unique way of working will get an enthusiastic reception. Don't be surprised if you become something of a heartthrob at work. Now people realise how talented you are, they will look at you with new eyes. Although this attention is gratifying, your heart really belongs to someone you've loved for years. Spend a quiet evening with your amour.

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Give thanks for a steady job. Knowing you have a regular source of income should liberate you in other areas of life. Take time out of your busy schedule for your favourite hobbies and sports. Making the most of your leisure time will cause work to be less stressful. Suddenly, you'll become much more productive and clients will ask for you by name. Your boss will notice the improvement and offer you a raise or promotion. It's even possible you will be sent on an overseas business trip.

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You feel especially playful. Put work on the back burner and do something to lift your spirits. Head for a garden, park or forest that lifts your spirits. Take out your art supplies and experiment with different materials, colours and shapes. Listen to some upbeat music or watch a favourite movie. Follow your impulses. Too often, you delay gratification for the sake of work. Reverse this trend. You're overdue for some fun. An admirer will be a great playmate.

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Spending quality time at home is comforting. Take this opportunity to improve your relationship with an older relative. Ask lots of questions about their background. You'll see their behaviour in a totally different light. If you play your cards right, you'll be able to learn a valuable skill from this family member. As long as you keep practicing, you'll be able to make money from this ability. It's important to pass knowledge from generation to generation, or it will be lost forever.

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Reading about the past makes you feel less isolated. It's incredible to realise people who lived in another time had similar feelings and concerns. If you're looking for a good book, head to the library. Tell someone at the reference desk you're looking for a good book about a particular period. You will get several great recommendations. Another good way to stay plugged into society is to exercise. Walking around your neighbourhood will cause you to meet some new people.

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Apply for a better paid position. Although you're not materialistic, you do enjoy intellectual pursuits. Making more money will allow you to travel and study. Don't be surprised when you become a love magnet. You're incredibly attractive when your brain is engaged. If you're single, be willing to go on a date with someone who is totally different from anyone you've loved before. You will hit it off quite unexpectedly. When you hit a fork in the road, try a path you haven't taken before.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your dry sense of humour attracts love like a flower draws bees. It's gratifying to be appreciated. If you're already in a relationship, you'll notice your partner being more affectionate. That's because they realise what a hot commodity you are. Are you single? Go out with someone who has an unusual background. You'll enjoy comparing and contrasting stories about your respective childhoods. Each of you brings different things to this relationship, which will create a terrific dynamic.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spending time on spiritual pursuits will be soothing. You're tired of thinking about money and status all the time. Visiting a house of worship, taking up a sacred practice or communing with nature can fill an emotional void. Talk with people who share your dismay at material obsessions. They'll help you devise strategies for coping with this particular kind of stress. Maintaining a healthy balance between the physical and esoteric realms will help you avoid the pitfalls of status oriented friends.

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Go out with a group of people who make you laugh. Trading notes with like minded people can be comforting. Work problems that seem unique are actually widespread. Discussing your troubles may not solve them, but they will make them less stressful. A friend who sympathises with your situation may hear of a job that is ideal for you. It will be a relief to escape a toxic situation that is dulling your creative sensibilities. You will fare much better at a company where individuality is encouraged.

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