
You won't receive any instruction for a difficult project. It looks like you'll have to figure things out for yourself. Fortunately, you're very clever and might even develop a few ingenious shortcuts. Try not to be too rigid with a relative or neighbour who is trying your patience. Their priorities seem utterly ridiculous to you, but that doesn't mean you should express your disdain. Think back to when someone made fun of your hopes and dreams. We all have our individual stars to follow.

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No matter how stringently your loved ones warn you, that won't stop you pursuing a romantic interest. You're utterly captivated by someone who exudes warmth, charisma and drama. The two of you get along very well, but beware of the financial toll this relationship will take. The object of your affection likes expensive things. If you're not able to provide them with the luxuries they crave, there will be problems. Then again, you have the potential for being a good provider, so all may be well.

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Respect your feelings and emotions when it comes to an intense relationship. It may be utterly irrational to fall in love with such an imposing figure, but you can't help it. You find your amour's tough demeanour reassuring. If misfortune ever befalls you, it's certain your partner will help you through the crisis. Although this is an admirable quality, you still deserve to be treated with respect. Don't let anybody undermine your self confidence with belittling remarks. You're stronger than you realise.

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You're in a carefree mood, making it easy to cope with a gloomy partner. No matter how hard your friend tries to dampen your spirits, you just won't let them get you down. In fact, your upbeat attitude will soon start lifting their spirits. It's simply impossible to be sad when you're near. Don't worry if you are forced to scrap a project that is riddled with errors. You'll do much better on the second attempt, because you know what to expect.

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Your love of beauty will be satisfied by a shopping spree. Go ahead and add a few handsome pieces to your wardrobe. Alternatively, you may decide to buy some furniture or artwork for your home. Be thoughtful with every purchase. Choose things that will bring you long term pleasure, rather than fleeting enjoyment. Well crafted items made with superior materials are worth the extra money. Turn a deaf ear to a friend who thinks you are wildly extravagant.

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Obey your impulses, especially regarding romance. Recently, someone special has arrived on the scene and you may be rather lost for words with admiration. The sooner you overcome your awe, the better. You have so many attractive qualities. Showing them off to good effect is critical, but do beware of coming across as too brazen and brassy in public. Instead, demonstrate your strengths in a quiet, intimate setting. You'll be able to let down your defences by going out for a drink together.

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Redecorating your home or fixing some broken appliances brings relief. Your surroundings have a tremendous effect on your emotional health. Getting rid of drab colours or faulty equipment will put a smile on your face. A meddling relative will tell you that you've done the job incorrectly. Be gracious when listening to their criticisms, but don't take these remarks seriously. Some people need to put others down to feel better about their own shortcomings. This is one of those pests.

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You're determined to set yourself apart from the crowd. Having a unique set of talents will make you more valuable to the group. It will also gain the admiration of several other talented people. You have a knack for restoring discarded items to their original value. Don't be surprised when people start asking you to refurbish some of their shabby possessions. Be judicious with a joint bank account. Check with your partner before drawing any money from this fund.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Increasing your income requires time, thought and planning. If you're happy with your current position, ask for a raise. Bolster your request with a list of contributions you have made. Your boss won't be able to refute your logic. Are you in a dead end job? Then it's time to set your sights on a more challenging field. Choose something that will provide both financial and emotional fulfilment. Don't let your best friend or lover lull you into a sense of complacency. It's time to move.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Adventure and excitement can be yours, provided you're willing to try something new. Don't be afraid of what people will think when you take up an unusual hobby or practice. This is your life and nobody else can live it for you. Beware of overdoing it with food and drink. Sugar, fat and alcohol will make you feel sluggish and slouchy. Similarly, you should be a little more active. Taking a brisk walk at lunch will boost your energy and stimulate your imagination.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You won't be satisfied until you get to the bottom of a mystery. Keep up the research, but prepare for a shock. Someone you trusted will be revealed as a master manipulator. Although it pains you to end this relationship, it's better to know the truth. A child or lover is making expensive demands. It's time to have a talk about financial security. You simply can't afford such a lavish gift. Spending more quality time together will ease their material desires.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Working closely with a business executive will prove profitable. You should take your cues from this expert, especially when it comes to setting prices. It's time you were paid well for your considerable talent and experience. Don't be afraid to demand a higher salary or raise your fees. This will involve a confrontation, which makes you nervous. The sooner you overcome this fear, the more prosperous you will be. Sometimes it's more important to be respected than loved.

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