
Be honest about your shortcomings. The sooner you ask for help, the easier it will be to overcome an obstacle. You may require basic training, a hands on tutorial or an official certificate. Admitting your ignorance will make others admire you. Anyone can profess expertise. It takes someone with real courage to expose their vulnerability. The skills you acquire will enhance your earning potential. Anyone who pokes fun at your lack of knowledge is projecting their own insecurities onto you.

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Try not to put too much emphasis on material goods. You can be happy without a lot of expensive status symbols. Just because your friends spend money on lavish items doesn't mean you have to keep apace. So many people are deep in debt and leave in fear of collection agencies. You do not want to join their ranks. Fortunately, you're very resourceful and know how to shop for values. An occasional indulgence is fine, but for the most part you should confine purchases to practical items.

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You won't be able to charm your way out of a difficult situation. If you made a mistake, take full responsibility. Trying to pass the blame will only further tarnish your reputation. It will take time to regain your employer's trust. Work behind the scenes to rectify the problem. Try not to beat yourself up. Nobody is perfect. Learning from setbacks will make you a more talented, efficient worker. It will also make you a more resilient human being.

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The solitude you crave will be elusive. An annoying colleague will keep trying to get your attention. Unless you tell them to back off, they'll continue to bother you. Don't let emotion enter into the discussion. You'll get more respect if you express yourself in a calm, rational fashion. If you have to give materials to this pest, do so as quickly and efficiently as possible. You don't want to be accused of being uncooperative, especially if a deadline is looming.

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A friend will try to take advantage of you. Be ready to refuse a request for money or help. You're a naturally generous person who enjoys lending assistance. An opportunist who knows this will make unfair demands. Don't fall for a guilt trip. Your first priority is to yourself. You're under no obligation to spend your time and energy on people outside your immediate family. Anyone who accuses you of being selfish has bad motives. Avoid them like the plague.

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Career prospects are slim. It's hard to find the necessary opportunities to get ahead. Dwelling on this scarcity will only make you miserable. It's better to turn your attention to an activity that gives you pleasure. This could be anything from baking a batch of bread to digging in the garden to writing an online blog. There's more to you than your job title. Exercising your imagination will offer welcome relief from an oppressive situation. You have more options than you realise. Look for them.

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Lack of opportunities makes you resentful. It's hard to compete with someone who has had everything handed to them on a silver platter. Instead of dwelling on your own misfortunes, start counting your blessings. There are many people who would be thrilled to trade places with you. When you focus on what you have, rather than what you lack, your prosperity will grow. It may be necessary to work harder and make some personal sacrifices to get ahead, but you can do it.

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Arguments over money are putting strain on a partnership. It's important to strike a balance between saving and spending. Cutting expenses, finding more lucrative work and making regular deposits to a savings account are all necessary measures. If you're deep in debt, the time has come to contact a money expert. With the help of this advisor, you can devise a strategy to create a stable foundation. It's hard to cultivate intimacy when you're always worried about paying the bills.

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A close relationship is experiencing turbulence. Part of the problem is family. Stop letting a relative meddle in your private life. If this troublemaker is related to your partner, ask them to set a healthier boundary. Until this happens, you won't be able to solve your problems. A temporary separation may be necessary to get some perspective. It's hard enough for two people to get along. Adding interlopers to the mix makes things even more complicated.

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Work will be unpleasant. Warring colleagues make it impossible to concentrate. Until this power struggle is resolved, everyone will be walking on eggshells. You might have to play the part of mediator. Step in for someone who has poor communication skills. By addressing the problem in a public forum, everyone can work together to create a solution. It isn't fair for the person with the most dominant personality to call all the shots. Bring equity to the situation. Don't let productivity grind to a halt.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spending money won't strengthen a relationship. If you really want to earn someone's trust, spend quality time together. At first, a disaffected friend or romantic partner will resist your attempts to connect. Be patient and persistent. By demonstrating a real desire to make your bond better, they will relent. When someone is angry, they need time to process their emotions. You can't control the process. The only thing you can do is be kind, considerate and respectful.

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Your family is trying to shield you from a terrible disappointment. Instead of staying buried at home, face the music. If you are rejected from a cultural, religious or educational institution, stay calm. Give yourself a chance to grieve this loss. A new path will become clear if you remain still. It may be necessary to move. An intolerable domestic situation is taking a toll on your health. Although your new place will not be ideal, it will offer welcome relief from the stress you've been experiencing.

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