
If you spend too long within your own walls, you will start feeling claustrophobic. You could do with some fresh air, a little light exercise and a change of scenery. A clash of opinions with a strong-minded neighbour or housework is starting to get you down. You need to step back from this situation.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Accept travel and party invitations and take this chance to have some fun times with your family and friends. A neighbour may have had a temporary blank spot and will admit to having forgotten to tell you about a social event now being arranged. You won't be pleased with their forgetfulness.

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A difference of opinion over a trivial incident could lead to strained relationships in the family. You get the impression a friend is bitter about something, although they won't say what it is. They're happy to communicate by confusing text messages, but they won't see you in person. You just can't win.

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Some interesting new friends will be made both in your immediate environment and on the internet. Keeping in touch with people you have an emotional or spiritual connection with will be uplifting as you share beliefs, interests and activities you all happen to feel strongly about and enjoy.

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Sharing quality moments with your special someone will remind you of your priorities. You've been neglecting a long-term partnership of late, and you have a few ideas on how you might make amends. If you are single, new romantic developments will give you something special to anticipate for the future.

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If you are launching anything new, you might prefer to do this behind the scenes. Better still, wait until you have all the information you need before bringing plans out into the open. Moving too quickly would give a rival an idea of what you are up to. Discretion is required in order to avoid giving a competitor an opening.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You are doing your best not to upset someone who is ultra-sensitive. It doesn't matter how careful you are about what you do and say; they still seem to find something to complain about. Despite being bound up with career and outside activities, you are aware of the need to try to give a young child or relative some extra time.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A fresh start is bringing a change in your outlook on life, your work or your home environment. You are seeing things in a different light and it can be pleasantly surprising how satisfying life can be. This newfound enthusiasm will help you in all you do and you might even find it easier to accept some heavy responsibilities.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're keen to make a move, but where other people are involved, holding back from taking the initiative will serve you better than taking direct action. A softly-softly approach will work wonders and there will be less arguments and tension. However, a neighbourhood issue is not without some controversy.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone disappoints you. This isn't the first time they have let you down and now you might be questioning why you are more upset than usual. You are annoyed with yourself because you have been forgiving them too quickly. If they have got away with it before, they will repeat the same behaviour again and again.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Be prepared to take a clear and careful look at future plans, especially if you are considering new ventures. Keep your hopes realistic, or you will soon be presented with the fact that some dreams can only really just be dreams. Avoid taking risks of any kind. Plan things carefully.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Trying to sell your ideas to someone who has no imagination will only be a waste of time. Some things are best kept to yourself. It would only frustrate and disappoint you to have your plans rejected. Instead, start placing more stress on the practical side of some projects to please people who want to see progress.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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