
The air is electric with change, but you can't figure out how this transformation will take shape. Instead of fearing the future, yield to it like a wave hitting the shore. You could be the recipient of a lovely gift that speaks to your heart. Accept this token gracefully and without question. By making yourself as receptive as possible to good fortune, you'll clear a path for bigger and better things to come into your life.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Seeking uncharted territory may be your first priority; familiar surroundings are beginning to bore you. Friends may be startled by your change of heart, since you're fairly predictable in your movements. This is a good day to flip through fashion magazines in search for an updated new look or hairstyle. Altering your appearance will cause people to treat you differently. Adopt an image that puts a twist on classic beauty.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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It's hard to make much progress at work, since you're preoccupied with emotional matters. If an authority figure asks why you're not you're usual sparkling self, be frank. Pretending that everything is fine will only cut you off from assistance that you actually need. Beware of being too hard on yourself, especially where deadlines are concerned. Replace critical thoughts with encouraging praise whenever possible.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Your perspective is making subtle shifts, allowing you to handle stress in a healthier manner. Suddenly, pressures that once made you crumble don't have the same impact. Attribute your inner peace to a gentle friend who has set a good example for you to follow. You may not realise it, but you've been slowly integrating this person's behaviour into your own daily routine. The company you keep does make a difference to how you think.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Sudden changes to your lifestyle are a lot more welcome than you'd like to admit. Well-meaning friends are eager to offer their sympathy, but you're probably rejoicing on the inside. Perhaps you've been longing for a certain relationship or arrangement to end. Take a few moments to express your happiness in private. Although it may not be appropriate to exult in public, you shouldn't feel ashamed to breathe a deep sigh of relief.

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You may be forced to go along with a work project that meets with your disapproval. Although you'd love to be a team player, you just can't feel enthusiastic about the future. An unlikely ally could throw you their support at the last minute. You're not sure whether this person is sincere or not. Refuse to give in to your fears. By forming an alliance, the two of you can withstand the pressure to conform.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A desire to go into a new line of work feels irresistible right now. A dynamic person like you needs constant stimulation in order to stay engaged. Rather than making any sudden shifts, wade into a new industry by volunteering in your spare time. Just soaking up the atmosphere of a particular office will let you know whether a particular job is suited to you or not. A mentor's criticisms may sting a bit today.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A romantic impulse may take you by surprise; you've never entertained such thoughts about this person before. Perhaps you're seeing aspects of your amour's personality that previously remained hidden. That often happens when two people are much alike. You may be asked to yield some property that you're not ready to relinquish. The sooner you give this item up, the faster this empty space will be filled.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You may be forced to deal with somebody who wants you to make lots of sacrifices for their benefit. Even though you deeply resent this person's attitude, you can't help but feel that yielding to their whims will eventually result in good things for you. Make the best of this tense situation by being as pleasant as possible. The sweeter you are, the less satisfaction your tormentor will get out of pushing you around.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A thrilling piece of news could reach your ears, allowing you to look to the future with anticipation. Recently, you've been hearing increasingly bleak statements about the coming days. Now that the picture looks brighter, you can focus on creative projects that give your life a sense of purpose. Painting, writing, or assembling a scrapbook will help you give shape to a positive outlook. Depict your ideal lifestyle through a piece of art.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Contrary to what others might think, it is possible to find new sources of income in this economy. Don't stay with a situation that is murdering your soul. Take steps toward going into business for yourself, or start going on job interviews. Even the strangest sounding position could be something you really enjoy. Resist the urge to spend lots of money on a glamorous pursuit when you could have just as much fun staying home.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Emotions that you weren't even aware that you were suppressing could come to the surface. Don't fight these feelings, even if they seem a little frightening at first. You can use this rage, sadness, or elation as a catalyst. Have you wanted to lose weight? Start a creative project? Take a class? Let your sentiments drive you forward. Today could mark an exciting turning point in your life, if you choose to spring into action.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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