
Your career is heating up at the expense of your personal life. Don't make the mistake of alienating a loved one for the sake of your job. If you're not in a relationship, it could be because you are too focused on climbing the ladder of success. Take some time to develop friendships outside of work. Coming home to a devoted partner will take the sting out of whatever frustrations you experience at the office.

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It's hard to be motivated at work, particularly since your duties are so routine. Pursuing further education will attract better opportunities. You may even decide to study abroad as a means to get out of this annoying rut. Resist the temptation to drown your sorrows in butter, chocolate, and sugar. Fattening foods rob you of energy, lulling you into a false sense of security. Don't sabotage yourself with self-indulgences.

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An exciting romance is distracting you from important financial matters. Insurance settlements, alimony payments, or tax issues demand your immediate attention. If you and your partner have very different attitudes about money, now is the time to explore them. Otherwise, you'll be in for a nasty shock when the bills are due. The cuddles and caresses you now enjoy will become distant memories if you let financial matters undermine your relationship.

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Nostalgia is preventing you from moving forward in a relationship. Yes, the good old days were certainly pleasurable, but that doesn't mean your future is entirely bleak. Slam the lid down on your box of mementoes and focus on what you can do to make your current situation better. Whether that means breaking off a dysfunctional romance or adjusting to each other's emerging needs is immaterial. The important thing is to live for the moment.

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Pretending that you accept an uncomfortable arrangement is driving you crazy. Take this opportunity to express your true feelings, even at the risk of offending a colleague. The fact is, others share your opinion, only they're too scared to voice their displeasure. A confrontation is in order. The more tactful and firm this encounter is, the easier it will be for everyone to move forward. Formulate a cunning strategy.

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Material luxuries won't make up for the lack of romance in your life. If you suspect that someone is showering you with gifts to keep you compliant, put your foot down. Demand this person's time and attention, and refuse to accept their gifts until they change their ways. While it's hard to resist such lavish temptations, you've got to realise that they do come at a personal cost.

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Family members seem to be picking on you at every opportunity. Before you get defensive, consider whether their comments are valid. Is it true you've been preoccupied? Are you neglecting others for the sake of your own pursuits? When is the last time you expressed an interest in your relatives' troubles? By answering these questions honestly, you'll be able to repair the damage that has occurred to your home life.

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If you feel you have to keep a relationship or habit a secret, there's a problem. Consider why you are engaging in all this skulduggery. Maybe you long for intrigue. Perhaps you're tired of being pigeonholed in a certain way. It's even possible you want to get back at someone who has hurt you. Whatever the reason, you need to know you're the one who is ultimately being hurt. It's time to come clean.

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Making friends with people for the sole purpose of advancing your status is a mistake. Ultimately, your true motivations will be discovered. You're better off relying on your talent to get ahead. Start contacting agents, head hunters, and other professionals who can advance your cause. Don't be deterred if these people claim you have to further develop your skills. Taking their advice will make all the difference. You need an objective opinion.

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Beware of wielding power over those who are less important than you are. You can't afford to make enemies right now. Granted, you may have to make some decisions that are less than popular, but make sure these verdicts are rendered for good reasons. If everybody needs to make sacrifices for the sake of the greater good, so be it. If, on the other hand, you are making rules to punish people, that's another story.

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You can't expect people to take your advice when you fail to follow it yourself. Instead of judging others, turn your focus inward. Are there goals you've failed to pursue or ideas you've resisted developing? If so, you've got to get moving, even at the expense of financial security. Friends and family will have more respect for you once you start living your truths, instead of paying lip service to them.

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Before yielding to temptation, consider how your actions will hurt somebody dear. Whether you're contemplating an affair or an expensive purchase, you need to examine your motivations. Are you doing this to hurt your beloved? Do you lack excitement in your life? Are you simply tired of following the rules all of the time? Whatever the source of your rebellious instincts, they need to be dealt with in a mature way.

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