
Taking care of a loved one can soften your sharp edges. Usually you have no time for gentle words and kind gestures. Now you're being asked to slow down and spend quality time with someone who needs compassionate care. Preparing nourishing meals, creating a comfortable rest area and providing diverting amusements will be a welcome challenge. Don't be afraid to summon your tender side. It's one of the nicest things about you. Besides, nobody is fooled by your tough act.

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It gives you great pleasure to run some household errands. Stock the pantry, do some laundry and clear out clutter. Cook some delicious comfort food. You'll love filling the place with the enticing aroma of good cooking. If you're thinking of taking a trip, head for a beautiful resort by the water. You'll welcome the chance to relax and unwind on a sunny beach. Are you looking for love? You could find it with an accomplished professional. You'll admire their mastery and they'll appreciate your humour.

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You'll have a chance to enjoy some indulgent luxuries. If you've been wanting to splash out, now is the time to go online or hit the High Street. Treat yourself to a new phone, computer or outfit. Have you been longing to take an adult education course with a respected teacher? Go ahead and sign up. This will cost more money than you are comfortable spending, but the results will be worth it. A steady job is coming your way. Having regular pay will allow you to pay off debts.

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You're ready to take a bold risk regarding your home life. Moving to another country is possible. Alternatively, you might decide to buy a home or make improvements to an exciting one. Change is never easy for you, but it's essential to your growth. Create a domestic life that is a reflection of your values. Having a warm, comfortable home will allow you to entertain friends and family in style. You don't need a lavish palace to be happy. Pets, plants and photographs will do the trick.

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Solitary activities will be rewarding. It feels good to get some peace and quiet. Lately, you've been so busy it's been hard to hear yourself think. Take this opportunity to commune with nature, develop a creative project or luxuriate in the bathtub. A home improvement project could occur to you quite suddenly. Make plans to cover some shabby furniture or refinish an old table. You need an outlet for your artistic side. Children may be eager to help. You'll enjoy teaching them valuable skills.

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Attending a party will be more fun than you expect. You've been so wrapped up at work that you have lost sight of your social life. Fortunately, all of your reservations will be wiped away once you catch sight of your nearest and dearest. An intense conversation with one of your favourite people will be inspirational. Get started on a creative project before your enthusiasm wanes. Working with your hands brings out the best in you. This is a great time to make jewellery, furniture or clothes.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A public presentation will be very successful. People are receptive to your ideas. That's because you support claims with facts and figures. You don't just rely on charm to win confidence. Despite your success at work, money is tight. Paying off debts doesn't leave much cash for luxuries. Stay focused on your goals. Becoming financially independent will help you sleep easier at night. It could also allow you to relocate to a place you've always loved. Put a luxury item on your wish list.

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A quest for justice could prompt you to stand up to a bully. You're tired of innocent victims being pushed around by someone who is more wealthy and powerful. Fortunately, you never hesitate to speak the truth to those in power. Your confidence and strength are incredibly intimidating, even for those who are used to getting their way. Don't be surprised if you develop a big fan club after taking a stand. Everyone is grateful for your brave stance. If you want to run for office, you'll win by a landslide.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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An intense romance gives you an attractive glow. You're never happier than when you're head over heels in love. Fortunately, your amour is kind, caring and giving. In the past, you had a tendency to get involved with people who were unworthy of your affection. That's not the case with this relationship. If you haven't met your beloved yet, you could cross paths at a house of worship or spiritual retreat. You'll feel a strong affinity for a good cook with a wild laugh.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Set work aside for the sake of fun. Spending time with an attentive lover will allow you to rest, relax and have fun. If you're single, you will meet someone special at an elegant party or restaurant. Keep your eyes open for a fashionable person who has a twinkle in their eyes. You'll have to make the first move. Don't be surprised if the object of your affection makes you chase after them. Fortunately, you enjoy playing cat and mouse with this irresistible charmer.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Putting your domestic and working environments in order comes as a relief. Lately, you've been so busy that you weren't able to put things away and clear out clutter. Now your schedule has slowed down and there is an opportunity to make order out of chaos. Coming home to clean, tidy surroundings will lift your spirits and the prospect of having fun after hours will seem like a great idea. After going out with friends, it will be a sweet relief to slip between clean sheets.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Being the centre of attention gives you great pleasure. Normally, you're shy and retiring. When given an opportunity to show off your artistic talent, you run straight to the spotlight. Many times, you've been expected to work behind the scenes while others take the credit for your ingenuity. Now you have a chance to make a name in your desired industry. Don't be shy about promoting upcoming projects. It's important for everyone to know you are not a one trick pony.

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