
People objecting to your suggestions and unexpected stumbling blocks will delay your progress. Instead of wasting time arguing, think of ways you might get around these problems. Some clever thinking will help you overcome difficulties. Above all, don't throw in the towel on impulse.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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A manipulative colleague will talk their way out of having to carry out some difficult jobs and talk their way into receiving an invitation to an exclusive organisation. Their popularity stuns you. Eventually people will see them for who they really are.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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The more you think of all you have to do this week the more unbearable the idea might seem. It's like going to the dentist, the anxiety makes you want to avoid some appointments altogether. For the sake of your health or your professional reputation it would be better to just get some disagreeable tasks over with.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You have listened to the ideas and suggestions other people make yet you are holding back from offering your own opinions. Sharing ideas will enhance teamwork and generate innovative solutions. Let people in on your thoughts. This will also help you make sense of vague plans now taking shape in your mind.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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An inspiring talk with your partner makes you confident they understand you and they support your long-term aims. Are you single? Accept an invitation to a glamorous gathering. You will meet someone who shares your love of the theatre and the arts.

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Someone who always inspires you will present you with a new challenge. Although you would love to take them up on their offer, you may have to reluctantly turn it down. Taking on more commitments when you already have enough on your plate will put a strain on your health.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Travel arrangements are less than ideal. Additional charges, transport delays and computer breakdowns will cause havoc to your plans. Sticking to familiar places would be your first choice but you are expected to be somewhere else and you can't get out of this commitment.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your thoughts are drifting to places you would rather not allow your mind to go. You need to push worries and anxieties away. Group activities will help combat solitary desires. Spending time with friends brightens your spirits. Connect with people online if you can't do so in person. You don't want to be on your own.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Plans for the day will be rearranged due to someone you were supposed to meet up with not being able to make it. They will apologise and since you were hoping to get some time to yourself anyway this won't give you too much cause to complain.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Something on your mind will benefit from some more careful contemplation. If you get the chance to work behind the scenes, this will enable you to give it more thought and very soon a vague idea will become perfectly clear.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're being expected to carry out an important project but it is unclear how you should do this. People you are working with are as baffled as you are about how to go about the job. Someone who could help is conspicuous by their absence. You can only do your best with the little information you have available.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A friend who is living with an addiction will reach out for help. No matter how good your intentions are and how much you want to be there for them, the best thing you can do is recommend a recovery programme. It isn't kindness but professional treatment they need.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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