
You won't have much luck changing a religious, political, or cultural institution. Such places were built to withstand transitions. Instead of wasting time bashing your head against a brick wall, focus on a project that will yield results. If you're embroiled in a legal dispute, prepare for a disappointment. At least this decision means you'll be able to put this matter behind you. Solitary endeavours are best right now.

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You may have no other choice but to deal with a taboo subject. It may be necessary to get counselling for this problem. Some issues are too troubling to handle alone. Confronting this problem will make you a better friend, partner, and relative. As it stands, you have a hard time getting close to people. If you've got debts spiralling out of control, you need to find a way to pay it off. Look into consolidating your credit card bills.

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A strong willed partner is pressuring you to do things their way, but you're resisting these efforts. It feels as though they want to change you into somebody else. Unless you stand up to this manipulation, your relationship will fall apart. As a rule, you're pretty flexible. In this situation, though, you need to stand firm. If you're single, it may be because you are trying too hard to morph into an ideal lover. Stop trying to be all things to all people.

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Bearing down hard on a colleague could have disastrous results. You've got to be more compassionate and caring you will become the office pariah. Work will get done without your interference. Maybe the quality won't be stellar, but that's not your problem. If you handle hazardous materials, it's important to take safety precautions. Be sure to wear protective goggles, gloves, and headgear. Take it easy at the gym, as you run the risk of injury. Gentle exercise is the way to go.

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Spending money on creature comforts could drive you into debt. Keep your hard earned cash where it belongs in your wallet. It's probably a good idea to avoid your favourite shops, too, as they will be filled with expensive items you can't afford. Why put yourself in the path of temptation? A child, lover, or pet may be playing up as a way to get attention. You've got to get stricter or they will keep taking advantage of you.

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It's possible you've been overly attached to your possessions. At times like these, you need to loosen your grip. Go through your household and gather items you haven't used in over a year. Sell them or donate them to charity. This will make you feel as though you've lost a ton of weight. In the metaphysical world, clutter is a manifestation of psychological baggage. Getting rid of the physical junk in your life will allow you to let go of emotional pain.

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You may be unfairly attributing motives to a neighbour or sibling. Instead of speculating about what they're doing, ask them outright or you could drive a wedge in your relationship. The two of you are very different people. It's no wonder you're always misunderstanding each other. One good way to improve your relationship is to spend more quality time together. A walk through the park or a trip to the seaside will help you chill out.

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Avoid shady business dealings like the plague. You can't afford to lose money and your reputation could suffer. Contrary to what you might think, making an honest living doesn't mean being plunged into poverty. Besides, money isn't everything. If you want to make a fortune, do something that fills you with excitement. That way, you can have fun while you're making a living. Stop listening to people who say work should feel like a burden.

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Normally, you don't care what others think of you. Today, though, you're very sensitive about your home. It's possible you won't invite guests over because you're ashamed of how things look. Nip this negative way of thinking in the bud. Your friends like you for who you are, not what you have. If somebody happens to stop by when your place is a mess, just laugh it off. Everybody has had times when they've let the housekeeping go.

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Aligning yourself with a social outcast could be a mistake. Yes, you admire his rebellious spirit, but there is something truly dark about this man's psyche. If you stick around this guy, you'll start to adopt his bleak outlook. Nothing could be worse for a worrier like you. It's possible you were drawn to them as a means to reaffirm certain fears. Refuse to fall prey to such negative thinking. Seek out a friend who is a born optimist.

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Be respectful of other people's rights. Yes, their behaviour is annoying, but that's the price you have to pay for living in a free society. Save yourself a headache and move away from these pests. Dwelling on their actions will only make you miserable. It may be difficult to concentrate at work right now. Your colleagues are more interested in gossiping than finishing their assignments. Do as much as you can without their help and then leave the rest to Fate.

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You're starting to wonder why you ever pursued a certain line of work. This field no longer affords the satisfaction it once did. You've been contemplating a change for the last several months. Suddenly, being at the top of your game is less important than dealing with pleasant people on a daily basis. Make a list of jobs you'd like to explore. This will give you a clearer picture of the path you need to take. It's never too late to make a fresh start in life.

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