
Take note of what your gut instincts are relaying to your brain as it will prove most protective. Communicating honestly about private matters is the best way to resolve conflict. You've swept certain issues under the carpet for too long. Now you have the chance to confront the source of the problems in a way that doesn't seem abusive or unfair. Be direct but polite in your statements. Somebody has to stand up to this bully before he or she starts inflicting damage in other areas. Muster your courage and step forward.

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Enlarging your social circuit will increase your chances of future growth and success. Moving forward with studies is easier than you anticipated; your curiosity is on fire. It helps to be surrounded by people who are engaged in engrossing work. Distancing yourself from people who are content to do the same things day after day is a wise idea. Your natural tendency is to follow comforting routines as a means to feel secure, however, you must rebel against such impulses and begin to search the unknown.

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Time to blow your own career trumpet, for the more folk know you're free, the better. Working with your hands can relieve emotional anxieties that have been building up. You're usually a very communicative person but may have been silenced by a dark secret. Rather than let this information gnaw away inside you, pour your energies into a creative project. Find constructive ways to let your frustrations out. Let your hands say everything your mouth cannot.

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Travelling near and far is the best way to discover prospects that can change your world. This is a fine time to sign business contracts and form professional agreements. Teaming with a partner takes heavy burdens off your shoulders, freeing you to think more conceptually. Oftentimes people mistake your quiet ways as subservience. Actually, you're just formulating strategies for assuming the leadership position. Set your sights high, because anything is possible on this positive day.

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Sexually you need someone who understands your feelings - shop around, they are there to be found. Improving your efficiency is important as you have so many things to do. By putting yourself on a strict schedule every day, you'll still find time to enjoy what you love after accomplishing major tasks. If you don't get organized, you'll find yourself swimming against a spring tide that threatens to pull you under. It's up to you: would you rather control the situation, or be controlled by it?

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You'll get more out of a one to one relationship by talking or writing than by burying your thoughts. Debates and intellectual contests have always given you a thrill, and that's especially true now. You're extremely adept at reducing your rival's arguments to shreds. Of course, you should do this in a good-natured way, or you could turn a potential friend into a powerful enemy. If you play your cards right, you could actually end up seducing the competition. Wouldn't that be the ultimate victory for you!

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A new job opportunity will come your way before Easter that's worth a second look. Don't underestimate the physical benefits of unburdening your soul. When you bottle up your feelings, stress settles in your shoulders, neck, back, and stomach. Confess your thoughts to a trusted confidante. Don't be surprised if you're more productive after opening up. It's hard to be inspired when you're dwelling on emotional slights. A family or work argument can be resolved if you're willing to confront the folks in question.

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It's time to go back to your second childhood and do all those things you missed the first time around! You're not really concerned what others will think of you, so you tell the truth without hesitation. This makes you an extremely attractive figure. Secretly, everybody wants to say things uncensored, but people rarely have the courage to do so. If you're in a relationship, you may want to confront your partner in a tender way about certain behaviours that have sapped the romance out of your lives. It's important to keep the passion alive.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The general mood of activity and change grows in your household so prepare for more news. There's cash burning a hole in your pocket, but hold on a mo. Spending your hard-earned dough as a means to fill emotional voids in your life is not a wise idea. You're better off confronting your problems, especially ones concerning self-worth. If you feel as though you're not fulfilling your potential, take up a worthy cause. Performing volunteer work can boost your self-esteem better than any shopping spree.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Messages, contacts and announcements make March a time to be ready to travel at a moment's notice. Putting forth your ideas in a forceful way is the only means to get your opinion across. You're tired of entertaining everybody else's silly notions, especially since you have some really first-rate concepts. Of course, you'll bring more folks to your side if you follow your remarks with a charming smile. Taking a small trip could give you a fresh perspective on some stubborn problems. Visit a friend who lives nearby.

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A money spinning time when commercially you should wheel and deal for all you're worth. You may be thinking about various ways you can work less and make more lolly. As a visionary Aquarian you need time to dream without being hindered by financial worries. Perhaps a sound investment can provide you with the capital you need? If you don't know anything about such matters, you can always take a class in money management. Wouldn't it be lovely to get out of the rat race? Well, your actions now could realise a dream.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your ideas and plans are worth pursuing as they can lead you to the promised land of milk and honey. All the ambition and drive you usually manage to keep buried comes to the surface. You're impatient to get moving on pressing self-interests and won't brook any opposition. Friends and colleagues may spend March wondering what has gotten into you. You're usually so nice and agreeable! Actually, you can afford to be more aggressive. Being compliant may win you friends but it generally involves sacrificing your scruples.

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