
A home improvement project will give you a new lease on life. Once everything is working properly, you'll be ready to entertain. Throw a big party for friends and family. Bringing all the people you love together under one roof will be lots of fun. If you've been thinking of relocating, you'll find a lovely place in a family-friendly neighbourhood. Going home to this tranquil haven will keep you from burning out. If you live alone, you won't be for long.

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You have a great deal of friends in the community. People appreciate your calm presence. Even when neighbours are arguing with each other, everybody stays friends with you. As a result, you will be asked to serve as a spokesperson with a local matter. You're able to present the facts of the case in a measured tone will make a good impression. Officialdom and bureaucracy will agree to your requests. Getting money to clean up a littered area, plant a garden or start a community centre will be a triumph.

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This is an excellent time to ask for a raise, pursue a better paid position or increase your rates. If anyone dares complain about your demands, keep your head held high. You're dealing with someone who likes to get something for nothing. Look for a work relationship that is worthy of your talent. You could find a wonderful job involving hospitality. You've always known how to make others comfortable. Working for a hotel, restaurant or spa could be lucrative. Give it a try.

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You turn heads wherever you go. It's wonderful to be the object of everyone's desire. If you're single, play the field. You'll hit it off with a rebel who fits in with your social circle. Are you in a relationship? Your amour will be especially attentive. Let them lavish you with gifts, compliments and loving gestures. You're always so generous with everyone. Now it's time to be on the receiving end of romance. When you feel adored, you glow with happiness.

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Spending time on your own will be a welcome change of pace. Although you love the company of friends, they can drain your energy. Seize this opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. If home life is hectic, head to a quiet retreat by the water. The sight of a pond, river or ocean will calm your fiery energy. Instead of looking for ways to cause a commotion, you'll be content to count your blessings. Relationships will become deeper and richer.

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Joining a humanitarian effort will be more fun than you expected. You'll enjoy working with people who share your concerns. They'll appreciate your attention to detail, giving you some of the most important assignments. Making order out of this chaos will cause your star to rise. Don't be surprised when you're offered a salaried position with this group. Your skills are much more valuable than you realise. Stop downplaying your talent. It will propel you into a career that feels more like play than work.

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Your star power is evident to everyone. If you've ever wanted to have a high-profile career, now is the time to pursue it. You'll make a wonderful impression on a job interview, especially if you emphasise your ability as a team player. Instead of taking an egotistical approach to work, you prefer to collaborate. This ability to bring people together in a spirit of harmony will make you a top candidate. Your future employer is looking for someone who represents its best interests. Be that employee.

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A long distance relationship could be in the mix. Although you yearn for the sustained attention of an onsite partner, it is fun to communicate via letter and web chat. If your feelings continue to build, you can move closer to each other. If not, you'll look back on this romance with fondness. Either way, you win. Do you have a partner? There's never been a better time to take a long-haul holiday with your amour. Head for a place whose history has always fascinated you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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An intimate bond is both scary and exciting. In the past, you avoided commitments. Now you're leaning into one. It's thrilling to be with someone who intuits your needs and desires. Although the chemistry between you is undeniable, it cannot sustain a serious bond. Work on finding common ground. You're both creative people who love animals. Taking care of fuzzy, feathery and furry creatures can be a great way to enjoy each other's company outside of the bedroom.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The secret to your success in romance is communication. You don't like wearing your heart on your sleeve, but it's important to do so with your partner. Assuming they know how you feel will create anger and resentment. Get into the habit of expressing your emotions through words, acts of service, gifts, physical affection and quality time. You'll quickly see which gestures are the most enthusiastically received. Once you hit upon the winning formula, repeat it. Your bond will become stronger and happier.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Undergoing a health improving regime alongside a close friend or a loving partner is worth considering. It helps to be accountable to someone you trust. If your nearest and dearest haven't been supportive of fitness goals, think about hiring a personal trainer. They'll give you the advice and encouragement you need to stay on track. Giving up junk food and increasing your exercise program will sound daunting at first. After sticking to a routine for a month, it will become as natural as breathing.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Pay more attention to your appearance. You'll become a virtual love magnet after updating your hairstyle and revamping your wardrobe. If you're already in a relationship, it will become much more passionate. Take this opportunity to enjoy a relaxing break with your amour. It will be difficult to contain your mutual desire. Are you single? You'll meet someone special through family connections. Be willing to be set up on a blind date. You'll be delighted by a relative's choice for you.

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