
Winning someone's respect and admiration requires you to act above-board in all dealings. This means admitting your deep even profound feelings for an issue when it would be easier to feign indifference. You know you're in a bad situation when you have to rein in your passion for life, anyway, so go ahead and let it all hang out.

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Someone may try to invade your privacy, and that causes you to fly into a rage. Consider why it's so important to keep your activities under wraps. Is it because you're afraid that they'll be met with ridicule? If that's the case, you've either got to move onto greener pastures or work on your self esteem.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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It seems someone is trying to conspire against you, but that's probably your imagination. The fact is, you're bored and long for some good old-fashioned intrigue. Get involved with a club or society then you can stir up some excitement without creating hard feelings around you. P.S. You could always write a murder mystery!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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The love and support of your friends can pull you out of a dark mood that's been holding you prisoner. Cultivating your creative talents gives you a new lease on life. If you have a hard time getting started, sign up for a class. The more time you spend on your favourite activities, the easier it will be to weed your life of unpleasant duties.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Acquiring lots of expensive objects is no substitute for love; maybe it's time to reassess your priorities. It's impossible to change the past, but you can work on the present. Surround yourself with people who truly care about you. Now that you're an adult, you can form the kind of Œfamilyš you've always wanted.

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Making the most of your creative and artistic potential is the key to beating the competition. Whilst they may have more training, education or experience, you're an expert at finding solutions to difficult problems. Stop letting other people's pedigrees intimidate you. You've got something more valuable: common sense!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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If you feel like you're not prepared to take on a certain set of duties at work, ask a superior for help. This may involve going for training or putting in extra hours, but the results will be worth it. There's nothing more frustrating than being unsure of yourself. Fortunately, you're a quick study. Have faith in your potential.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Stop performing services for free; it's about time you earned money from your considerable talents. By telling friends and family in a forthright, friendly way that you're opening a side business, they'll be less likely to take advantage of you. The people who truly love you will be more than pay you for a job well done.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It's hard to care about a project when you feel as though you're a third wheel of sorts. The easiest way to gain acceptance is to assume duties that are generally overlooked or undervalued. When your peers see that you're willing to take on this thankless work, they'll make room for you in their circle. Stay positive.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You've got to be realistic about the future if you're going to have a safety cushion to fall back on. Start a savings plan today, even if it means doing out with little luxuries for the time being. You'll be surprised to learn that generating wealth is much easier when you have an extra reserve of money to fall back on.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Achieving success is more complicated than modelling yourself on someone you admire. First you must develop your own talents. If your heart isn't behind what you're doing, you'll have a hard time achieving success. What would you do if you had a choice? The answer to this question is the best source of wealth for you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You may need to further your education if you're going to get out of a difficult situation. Yes, this may involve months and years of hard work, but labour isn't arduous when it's performed for a larger purpose. The longer you put off this decision, the harder it will be to realise your dreams. What are you waiting for?

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