
Today marks a series of fabulous new beginnings for you, so be sure to take advantage of your good fortune. The Vernal Equinox beckons you to make yourself over in some way. Cultivating your conversational skills, sprucing up your wardrobe, and revamping your look are all favoured now. Your persona may attract lots of friends who are involved in the arts. Lean on them for strength when you feel tired or overwhelmed this spring.

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You'll want to spend the next four weeks gathering your energy together for coming challenges. Although spring has officially arrived, you still need time to assess what you want and where you're going. Cut back your social schedule and try not to assume too many responsibilities. Periods of quiet reflection will help you come to terms with some disappointments you experienced this winter. By this time in April, you'll be ready for a fresh start.

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You're giving birth to new hopes, dreams, and ambitions this spring, which is definitely a good thing. The wishes you harboured this winter were admirable, but they may not have allowed you to socialise as much as you would have liked. Now the Vernal Equinox hands you a golden opportunity to mix with a variety of people. Seek out optimistic, outgoing and friendly people. They'll be just your cup of tea.

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It's now time to take a hard look at your career and make some decisions. Are you currently doing work you enjoy? Have you given up on old dreams for the sake of security? Do you feel as though you've achieved the prominence and respect you deserve? If the answer to any of these questions is 'no,' think about adopting a spiritual practice that will keep you focused and centred. Inner peace leads to success.

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The arrival of spring puts you in a philosophical frame of mind, causing you to question your identity. If you're no longer sure of who you are or where you're going, you may want to ask a mentor or guide for help. This relationship could significantly change your priorities, making it easier for you to spend time on the people and activities you love. Keep your eyes open for a teacher who speaks to your soul.

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The Vernal Equinox marks a period of union and procreation, and that's especially true for you. If you've put up barriers between you and your loved ones this winter, it's time to take them down. Confess your vulnerabilities to friends, and make your sexual needs known to your romantic partner. In the event you're single, you may want to develop your flirting skills. They will help you connect with your ideal lover.

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Establishing healthy relationships will be your main task this spring. Try being more assertive with your loved ones. Too often, you relinquish your desires for the sake of friends, relatives, and lovers. That trend is about to end. At times, people will wonder what has got into you. Although as the season wears on, they'll come to admire your forthright ways, and you'll see all of your friendships start to improve.

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Being useful and productive is essential to your well-being this spring. You've spent the entire winter gathering energy together for new projects. Now the Vernal Equinox is here, you'll be able to put this energy to good use. Establishing a daily exercise routine will help you make the most of this fruitful period. It's also a good idea to get in the habit of cooking nutritious meals on a regular basis.

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Romance is on your mind, and who can blame you now that spring is here? There's never been a better time to start a relationship or conceive a baby. Alternatively, you may decide to exercise your creativity through acting, song writing, or painting. However you decide to spend this season, it should involve plenty of fun. You'll find you're at your best when you're laughing and playing; drudge work will only impede your progress.

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Focusing on your family life will help you make the most of the magical season ahead. Make a serious effort to eat meals, go on trips, and enjoy more leisure time with your nearest and dearest. If you're on bad terms with certain relatives, you should extend an olive branch. This will help you heal some old wounds that have been undermining your happiness. Launching a creative venture with kin is a distinct possibility.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You may find it easier to relate to neighbours and relatives now that spring has arrived. That's because you're beginning to see that differences of opinion aren't a threat to your individuality. Be ready to try other people's suggestions, and don't be offended if your ideas are rejected. The more relaxed you are, the better you'll appreciate the people around you. Several short but fun trips could be in the cards this season.

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Spring could be a lucrative season for you, provided you remember a few things. First, never lose sight of your values. If you're performing work that offends your moral principles, look for a new job. Second, donate your time and money to causes you really believe in. This will give you a stronger sense of self-worth, which will attract money-making opportunities to you like a magnet. Your wealth is directly related to your self-esteem.

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