
A social theme will continue from the start through to the end of the day. Even friends from far away are included in your plans. If you can't meet up now, invitations ' given or received ' to get together over Christmas could be the happy result. Travel arrangements will be finalised.

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Measures considered to be highly important actions to improve the safety of the workplace will be put into place immediately. You are in everyone's good books. Something you recently took upon yourself to do will be pleasing others considerably. You are happy to see to the preliminaries of a group project.

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Someone is blazing mad to have received a demand for money they do not feel is their responsibility. Whether this relates to property or a community matter, officials will apologise for any undue upset and they will work to rectify the matter to everyone's approval.

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A straight talking colleague will always have your back. They don't offer their support lightly. Knowing you can trust them and you have someone you can rely on gives you the strength of mind to take on challenges you would normally have turned down.

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There are moments when you feel a need to be alone. You have something serious to think about and the only way this can be done to your satisfaction is through solitude. Being beside water, by the sea or in the countryside where there aren't too many people around you will suit your mood down to the ground.

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Recent attempts to keep certain events and operations quiet may have been something of a wasted effort. Someone you had especially not wanted to know these things has somehow caught wind of what has been going on. Your irritation stems from the fact you have your suspicions about who has betrayed you.

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Don't hide that desire for something different to liven up your leisure hours. A sensible relative will make you feel guilty about feeling so restless but an adventurous friend will have just the right suggestion on how to satisfy these cravings. Let everyone know you aren't in the mood for anything routine.

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A friend with an unusual hobby would like to introduce you to activities you have never tried before. You might find it fun to let them lead the way. A new friend will let you know something about their past that seems almost fanciful and yet when you look into this you will find it was all true.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You have some firm ideas on a financial matter that comes under discussion. Once this conversation is over you hope it has been settled. This won't stop someone else from attempting to re-open such talks later on. They have a new suggestion but you will want to stick with your original decision.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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There is an issue you feel needs to be out in the open and needs to be discussed in more detail. Your efforts to get a partner or relative to listen to you may be thwarted. Someone is avoiding a touchy topic but they won't get away with this for much longer. It should be addressed. A youngster in the family wants your approval for a new venture.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A female friend you met at a recent festive gathering will become a good friend in the future. You might never get close on an emotional level but you will respect her for her cool head and keen mind. If you are a part of a duo, an in-law will say something which leads you to believe they doubt your honesty. Treat this situation with care.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're finding it difficult to sleep at night because you have so much on your mind. You're feeling nervous about something which is going to take place later in the month. When the time comes you might wonder why you felt so anxious. A close friend keeps grumbling about trivial matters and you will find it hard to avoid their moans and groans.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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