
Your willingness to bring value to others improves your professional stature. The best way to get ahead is to go above and beyond the call of duty. Don't worry about what others are doing and how much they are getting paid. When you finish work, do something nice for yourself. A delicious meal, a hot bath or a long nap will restore your spirits. When you feel good, you become a magnet for abundance in all forms. Get ready for a very welcome pay rise or even a change of career direction into a better paying job.

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Strong personal convictions prompt you to speak as you find. Talk to your boss about an unfair situation. Explain how oppressive rules make it difficult to do your job. Propose alternatives that work to everyone's advantage. Emphasise the importance of the collective good. Resist the temptation to get self-righteous with people who disagree with you. By listening attentively to their point of view, you'll pave the way to a fair solution. Pause to reflect before responding to questions. This will help you give thoughtful answers.

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You're confident enough to work with others who are completely different. Instead of getting defensive when your methods are questioned, you let your work speak for itself. This confidence earns the respect of your peers. Even your biggest critics admit you are gifted. When you become tired of a group project, turn your attention to a personal project that gives you joy. It doesn't matter if you build furniture, write stories or bake cakes. The important thing is to find an avenue for pure self-expression.

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A positive attitude causes doors to swing open. If you were rejected by an organisation, school or company before, apply again. This time, its decision will be different. You've learned a great deal since your first attempt. Use these insights to your advantage. A desire for self-reliance can be realised after you establish financial stability. Whether this means getting a steady job, securing affordable housing or downsizing your lifestyle is unimportant. The key is to be a great steward of your resources.

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Trust your impulses in all matters. If you're inspired to launch a creative project, put mundane responsibilities aside and give full attention to this exciting idea. If you're intent on finding love, become your own best friend. Stop criticising yourself and lavish yourself with praise. Love makes things thrive, while resentment makes them wither. You've been blessed with tremendous natural enthusiasm. Use it to your advantage. Fight cynicism like the plague. Avoid pessimists. Listen to upbeat music. Recite affirmations. Cultivate positivity.

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It's gratifying when people come to you for support and comfort. You enjoy bringing out the best in your colleagues, relatives and friends. When you're dealing with someone who continues to make bad choices, be compassionate. Affirm the things they are doing well. To overcome your own anxieties, bring your attention to ideas, memories and sensations that make you happy. The simple act of focusing on something that brings you joy will keep your fears at bay. At that point, the support you seek will arrive.

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You're extremely creative. Sometimes it feels there is no time for your favourite pursuits. The necessity to pay the bills and meet responsibilities puts artistic interests on the back burner. Stop neglecting your imagination. It will help you cultivate money, energy and solutions. Working with a partner will conserve your energy. Feel free to ask your other half to handle duties that drain your energy. You'll be able to return the favour when you have more energy and resources.

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Establishing meaningful connections is your priority. If you feel like you're going through the motions, it's time to make changes. Look for a job that fills you with excitement. Return to the courtship phase of a relationship. Change your image. Be willing to abandon what no longer works for an intriguing adventure. Mistakes can be easily corrected later. The important thing is to test your limits by trying different things. Some of these experiments will deepen your appreciation for what you have, while others will mark new beginnings.

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Having high self-esteem deepens your enjoyment of life. Unlike many friends, you are willing to look silly at the beginning stages of a learning experience. This willingness to make mistakes helps you to acquire valuable skills, emotional resilience and brings insights. The best gift you can give to a child is unconditional love. Rather than judging their behaviour and choices, show an interest in it. Encourage them to pursue their passions and explore unfamiliar territory. When they are supported and loved, young people will surpass expectations.

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You're filled with love for a special person. Do something to show your affection for this bright light in their life. Make them a gift, give them an extraordinary experience or send them on a trip. Think carefully about their preferences when planning this tribute. You may not realise it, but your leadership ability is valued at work. If morale is low, talk to your boss about making people feel better about their contributions. Even simple gestures like buying the staff lunch on Friday can make a big difference.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Advocating for a vulnerable person makes you feel better about the world. We can make a positive difference in each other's lives. It's simply a matter of choosing where to focus your energy. Instead of complaining about unwanted conditions, seek alternatives. Resist the temptation to challenge someone's beliefs. Nobody likes having to defend their choices. Even a contentious individual wants to be accepted. Look for the positive aspects of everyone you know. Your appreciation will make it easier to live and work together.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Developing your interests is the best use of your time. Often, you look for ways to help others. Now it's time to support your own dreams. Whether this means taking a class, starting a business or adopting a belief system, give yourself permission to try. You will encounter difficulties along the way, but that's part of the process. An adaptable person like you can find a solution to virtually any problem. That's because you're more intent on being effective than being right.

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