
Working in a quiet place will cause your creativity to flow. This is a wonderful time to develop a project with moneymaking potential. Selling your handiwork to a boutique or gallery will be profitable. Put these earnings into a holiday fund. Visiting an ancient city by the sea will be therapeutic. You'll enjoy the slow rhythm of this sanctuary. Even a speed demon like you must slow your pace from time to time. Stop pushing yourself so hard. Work will be attended to in due course.

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Spending time with fellow humanitarians will be uplifting. If the news is making you sad, seek the company of people who are making a positive difference. There are more of you than you think. It doesn't matter what kind of philanthropy you perform. Fostering a stray animal, feeding the homeless and planting flowers on derelict land are all worthy avenues to explore. When you work to make the world a better place, your outlook gets better. You have a knack for finding solutions to problems.

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A career requiring lots of imagination is tailor made for you. A multi-talented person like you needs a job with a wide variety of responsibilities. Performing the same tasks day after day will dull your edge. Therefore, you should seek work that requires constant innovation. Website design, store window dressing or media work are promising. Alternatively, you might decide to find work at a charity. You'll enjoy using your intelligence to raise money for a good cause.

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Turning your attention to spiritual pursuits will be a welcome change. You're tired of obsessing over wealth and status. Even when you attain these worldly goals, you'll still feel empty inside. To cultivate contentment, you must build your life around meaningful activities. Relationships, charity work and artistic expression are all things that bring you joy. Put the lion's share of your energy in to these activities. The financial resources you need will arrive when you least expect them.

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A romantic relationship feels idyllic. You and your amour are able to read each other's thoughts. This profound connection is the envy of friends and relatives. They can only dream about a bond like yours. Be sure to attend a glamorous party together, as all eyes will be on you. It will be fun showing off your partner, whose velvet voice and fantastic taste are incredibly alluring. Are you single? You won't be after attending a professional gathering. Be sure to wear something eye catching.

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You can achieve great things with the support of your best friend or romantic partner. In the past, you were afraid to pursue a dream that seemed impossibly fantastic. Thanks to your loved one, you feel more secure about your talents and abilities. Taking a training course, living abroad or even publishing a piece of written work are all things you might try. Turn a deaf ear to cynics who think you should play it safe. You'll never move forward until you take a risk.

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Work will be especially rewarding. It's wonderful to have your talents celebrated. If you're given a plum assignment, it's because the powers that be have faith in your abilities. Don't let them down. Dealing with an exacting client will be a stimulating challenge. You're practically the only person who can satisfy their demands. One of the reasons you work so well with this taskmaster is that you are similarly demanding. You won't settle for second best, which is what makes you such a perfectionist.

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Your romantic partner will lavish you with luxury. Be receptive to their generous gestures. It can be hard to help a resourceful person like you. When your amour feels like they've been of service, their heart leaps with joy. Are you single? You could meet someone special at a gourmet restaurant, garden or cosmetics counter. Keep your ears open for someone with a throaty laugh. You are opposites in many ways, which fuels your passion for one another.

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A close bond with a relative is a source of strength for you. When you encounter scepticism or rejection, this family member's encouragement will strengthen your resolve. You're extraordinarily talented. Leading a humdrum life just isn't your style. You thrive on adventure. That means venturing into unknown territory and taking lots of risks. Many times, you will fall short of your goal. Others will shake their heads and call you foolish. This will make your victories feel that much sweeter.

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Religion, mysticism and mythology are all worthy subjects to explore. You are a highly practical person who sometimes gets bogged down by mundane reality. Turn your attention to ideas that transcend the physical plane. You don't have to change your belief system. It's simply enjoyable to explore different ways of perceiving the world. If you're single, there is a good chance you'll meet a romantic interest in the classroom. Keep your eyes open for someone with an unusual style.

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Trust your intuition when it comes to moneymaking ideas. If you have your own business, this would be a great time to introduce a new product or service. Expanding your hours or locations will also be successful. Do you work for a big company? Take this opportunity to make a bold proposal. Creating a reward system for loyal customers will be very popular. These days, everybody is looking for ways to save. Giving incentives will increase profits, not undercut them.

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Your creative juices are flowing freely. Put responsibility aside for the sake of art. Developing a writing, design or music project will be extremely rewarding. There is a dreamy quality about your work that is incredibly appealing. Don't be surprised when you get several commissions after displaying your talent in a public forum. This is no time to hide your light under a bushel. If you want to generate a buzz, you have to attract attention. Launch a publicity campaign.

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