
A piece of music, whiff of perfume or magazine article might remind you of times gone by. Don't fight the feeling; revisit a long forgotten territory and savour this trip down memory lane. You might feel uplifted that some experiences from years ago feel like it happened yesterday. Sharing this with others could stir up a few more old memories. This gives you a chance to celebrate how interesting at times, your life has been.

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A so called friend's total lack of consideration for your feelings makes you question the relationship you share. There's a strong likelihood you are starting to see someone as they really are and not as the person you thought them to be. The reality of the situation is a disappointment; you hadn't expected them to change so rapidly. Now they've drawn you into their life, they seem to think they can use or abuse you. Don't take this any longer.

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You are so focused on your feelings, your behaviour and what others might think of you, it's almost impossible to relax. It might sound like strange advice but it's time you got this out of your head. You're being too critical of yourself. This is making you self conscious and insecure. You're missing all the wonderful experiences you could be sharing because you're so worried about making mistakes. The attraction between you and another is very strong; this is something you can't ignore.

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Showing your emotions is not a sign of weakness; someone may in fact be relieved to know you really care. In situations that evoke powerful feelings, don't think you look foolish to let them show. You may have learned to cope admirably with a variety of emotions and just because you can stay calm doesn't mean you aren't all churned up inside. Someone will realise they have misjudged you in the past as they admit you aren't as cold as perhaps they had imagined.

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It might feel as if all the energy you've poured into an unsuccessful venture has been wasted. Before you start feeling sorry for yourself, think of the experience you've got out of it and all you have learned. It can be difficult to realise your dreams when it seems someone is out to cause you problems. Look no further than the trouble maker in question to resolve these. Break out of a negative situation to ensure greater happiness in the future.

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Getting carried away with enthusiasm and ideas could cause you embarrassment when you realise others aren't as keen. If someone starts being awkward or confrontational, take this as a sign they aren't on the same wavelength and may never be. Remove yourself from the situation and consider what your next move might be. If you still want to give a new project a go, there are others who will support you if you ask them.

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It's hard not to take advantage of a situation which seems to have occurred just at the right time for you. This may involve an offer of a new and better paid job or a move in your existing one that's likely to bring more rewards your way. What's holding you back is the fact you know you have a competitor who is as passionate about this opportunity as you. Don't have any second thoughts about taking this chance to get ahead.

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Enrolling on a training course could have positive long term results. You're never too old to learn or re-train. Don't listen to those who think you're being unrealistic or overly optimistic. Hope is something to cling on to as it helps motivate, inspire and move you on to new possibilities. It's no use staying tied to a situation which isn't working for you. If you've ever wanted to try something new, now is the time to begin.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Persevere if a new venture seems hopelessly beset by problems; overcoming these will make it all the more worth it. You've always liked a challenge and when things are too easy, you get bored and restless. Once you start making headway, you might also come up with new a way to keep everyone interested and keen. A clash of egos is involved in a work project and in this instance you're determined to get your own way.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're starting to see a relationship in a new light and this will change your attitude towards it. An incident today will prove a person you had thought was critical and judgemental was only acting in your best interests. Their past advice is now revealed to have been valuable and effective. Now you've got it all in perspective, you will admit this is a person who deserves your respect, gratitude and friendship.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You might make great strides in your career or towards a personal aim. This comes as some surprise because you've had a number of hurdles to surmount to get this far. All of a sudden everything goes more smoothly. It's worth thinking about taking some time off to enjoy a well deserved break. You've put a lot of energy into one specific area and it's time now to get more balance in your life between work and play.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't fool yourself into thinking you can cheat on your diet, partner or your boss if you're thinking of feigning illness. A few days off work could lead to no work at all if a senior colleague finds out your excuse was invented. If you're on a diet, giving in to one tasty temptation could lead to more of the same. In romance, your lover trusts you and one act of infidelity could ruin your relationship. You just don't seem to know what you've got, until it's gone.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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