
A turning point has been reached in your life it's time to dump the negative before the New Year begins. You've never been the type to engage in long-range planning, and that's held you back. Today's Full Moon and Mars/Pluto link forces you to examine where you're going and what you're doing wrong. If you're not pleased with the direction your world has been going, change course. Enrolling in an adult education program could be rewarding or at least a catalyst.

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Your lifestyle is due a massive change so see what can go and what must stay before Hogmanay. Communications with those you meet on a daily level can go from endearing to angry in a flash. Be careful about making backhanded compliments. If you are going to praise somebody, do it wholeheartedly; don't bring up past failures. Perhaps you're afraid to let others know how much you really admire them.

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If you're obsessed or fixated about someone or situation get it out your system before you self-destruct. No matter how financially secure you are, it may not feel enough under today's Full Moon. An overwhelming urge to hoard resources could prevent you from enjoying the finer things in life. Treat yourself to a New Year gift that you need as self-investment, even if you think you can't afford it. Depravation will only fuel your insecurity.

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The Full Moon very aptly tells you to ring out the old and ring in the new in your life. Your whole personality feels like a lie when you're forced to put up a false face in view of recent happenings. Being hard on yourself won't solve anything. Instead, examine why you feel compelled to pretend in situations like these. It could be because you were punished for voicing your true feelings when you were a child. Well you aren't any more.

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Before 2002 begins you must remove any feelings from within that reeks of the past or it'll give you emotional hell. If there's anything you hate, it's being cooped up metaphorically or literally and over the next two weeks you will want out of anything that suffocates you. Rather than giving in to your panic, take this as a chance to exercise your imagination. It wouldn't be such a bad idea to give into a fantasy you've always fancied - why not?

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The final straw in a personal situation scuppers any chance of reconciliation make your own life now. Folks will pressure you to act in ways that seem juvenile and petty to you. Rise above the crowd and maintain your dignity. Others will be threatened by your attitude, and may accuse you of acting better than they are. The fact is, you are better than they are! Stay true to your principles but don't give into bully boy tactics.

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Big changes are mooted by the Moon in your career time to consider a new direction for the New Year. Your standards for success suddenly feel meaningless, leaving you rudderless. There's nothing wrong with changing your goals. You don't even have to set new ones today. Just be aware of what your heart is telling you. If you're no longer interested in a certain lifestyle or ambition, feel free to abandon it and pursue something new.

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Mars/Pluto give you no option but to eliminate the negative from your life to have any hope of a positive New Year. You've always had very fixed ideas about fairness, but that could change when you witness an injustice. Just because somebody has made mistakes in the past doesn't mean they are worthless as a human being. Extend your sympathy to the underdog now. This person could use a little compassion and understanding.

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Corrupt, manipulative and intense stars are the cue for a mega psychological change in you for 2002. Personal issues feel particularly intimidating right now, and you're tempted to run away. The only way to conquer your fears is to face up to them. Make yourself vulnerable to somebody who wants to love you. Let them baby you, allow them to handle your money, or tell them a deep, dark secret. You need to reveal the real you if you are to slay the demon within you.

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as one door shuts so another will abruptly close on a loveless marriage or strained affair. One-on-one relationships are starting to show signs of strain, and you can't contain your frustration. Go ahead and tell a manipulative person that you feel used. Until you speak up, they will continue to take care of your kindness and efficiency, while they goof off and have fun. The tables are about to turn!

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Take a good look at people around you as whatever move they make you must be one-step ahead. You can't expect to get a pat on the back every time you do something right. If you feel overlooked and neglected, start recognising others for their contributions. Chances are, you have been so wrapped up in your own problems that you've ignored all the kind things that are done for you each and every day. Credit where it's due.

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Whatever has broken down, is irreparable or past its sell by date should be given the heave-ho before Hogmanay. A child's behaviour makes you cringe with embarrassment, because it reminds you of your own mistakes. Instead of shutting them out, welcome them into your heart. Encourage them to open up about their fears. By working on these issues together, you can heal some of your own wounds. It is said we often despise what we are most like think about it.

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