
Making financial plans for the future is strongly advised. This is a great time to open a savings, educational or retirement account. Every little bit of money you put away will bring relief. If you feel economically insecure, sign up for a financial management class. Learning strategies to protect you from market fluctuations will be very helpful. You're the best person to protect your economic interests. If you're thinking of moving in with a friend or lover create a plan for paying the bills before taking the leap.

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Assuming responsibilities for a business or romantic partner boosts your ego. You're extremely capable. Unfortunately, you haven't been given much credit for this gift in the past. This will change when circumstances force you to switch roles. By proving you can do a better job in certain areas, you'll earn your friend's respect. An opportunity to realise a cherished dream will fall into your lap. Accept this challenge immediately, even if it means curtailing your social life. Friends will support you.

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Taking your health seriously will have unintended benefits. Not only will you minimise problems that have plagued you in the past, but you'll also feel happier and more energetic. Don't be surprised when you triple your productivity after making a few key changes to your diet. Lean protein, whole grains and fresh produce make your body operate more efficiently. Nutritious food can also make you more optimistic. Sugar only brings short term lifts, followed by dramatic crashes.

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Taking care of a youngster or pet gives you a renewed appreciation for life. You've always had powerful nurturing instincts. Using them to comfort a vulnerable person or animal will cause you to look at life differently. Suddenly, it will be easier to exercise compassion towards people who would ordinarily annoy you. In addition, it will be simpler to take time out of your busy schedule for activities you enjoy. A holiday near a lake, river or ocean will be tremendously therapeutic.

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Becoming more self reliant should be your first order of business. Although your family has been incredibly supportive, you must gain some distance from it. Being able to pay your own bills, make independent decisions and forge your own path will be liberating. You'll always appreciate what loved ones have done on your behalf, but you won't feel compelled to carry out their wishes. This marks a tremendous turning point for you. Don't worry if a chill develops between you and certain relatives.

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Coming to the aid of a relative or neighbour will boost your stature in your community. You don't waste time wringing your hands or cursing fate. Instead, you find the fastest way to relieve people of their burdens. You won't be completely successful, but you will make good progress. If you're looking for work, explore opportunities where you can use your intellect and imagination. You'd make a very gifted leader thanks to your ability to explain complicated concepts in simple language.

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Attaining financial security is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. This can involve anything from landing a lucrative job to putting more money in savings to cutting back expenses. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to spend a lot to enjoy yourself. Simple pleasures like beautiful music, good books and old movies can make your spirits soar. When you become bored of these pursuits, try creating something of beauty. Your imagination is exceptional. Use it to turn a tidy profit.

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Taking better care of your health is strongly advised. Eating more nutritious food and taking regular exercise are only pieces of a larger puzzle. You should also avoid people who make you feel guilty, angry and impotent. Find a job that makes you feel valued and fulfilled. Make more time for activities that bring you pleasure, like restoring furniture, repairing discarded items and doing research. Craft the kind of life that makes your heart sing with joy. You deserve it.

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Don't be afraid to face your demons. They're a lot less formidable than you think. There's nothing wrong with taking a job for money or compromising your principles to support a friend. Such questions used to fill you with dread. Now you realise every issue isn't black or white. There are many shades of grey involved. Speaking authoritatively about a favourite subject will attract publicity. Don't be surprised if you're invited to share your thoughts with a wider audience.

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Working towards a long term goal will give the intellectual stimulation you crave. You're such an ambitious person. When you're not reaching for the stars, you feel deflated and tired. Fortunately, there is an exciting chance to make use of some skills or knowledge you acquired long ago. It just goes to show that wisdom is never wasted. You might have to take a refresher course to bring your skills up to date, but that will be a labour of love.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A promotion or public office could fall into your lap. It will be exciting to do work that is personally meaningful. There will be the added benefit of making more money. Go ahead and upgrade your computer or smartphone. Any equipment that will make your work life easier is worth purchasing. Conduct some research before you go to the shops. Knowing which model is best for you will save you time, money and aggravation. It will also help you avoid a smooth talking salesperson.

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Someone will seek out your expertise, which is gratifying. Ordinarily, you hide your light under a bushel. Don't be afraid to stand in the spotlight. The more people know about your contributions, the easier it will be to attract more job opportunities. If you don't have your own business, you soon could. Being your own boss will be a challenge, but it will also be a pleasure. You'll enjoy being able to exercise your creativity without having a manager breathing down your neck.

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