
Your wit, charm and sex appeal attract plenty of interest. This is a great day to ask for favours, make new friends, and find romance. You might have to make the first move and break the ice so it's lucky you're naturally very outgoing. If you're competing for someone's heart, you could win it through an act of daring or bravery. Being willing to stand up for the underdog or speaking the truth to powerful people should do the trick.

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Spending time on solitary pleasures restores your equilibrium. You're a very nurturing person, but sometimes this drains your energy. Recharge your batteries by painting, writing or gardening. You've been blessed with considerable artistic talent. Putting these gifts to work will make time fly. You don't have to show your efforts to anybody if you don't want to. Suiting yourself should be the first order of business not pandering to others.

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Friends provide the mental stimulation you crave. Be sure to head out to a big social gathering. You're sure to meet some fun new people. One of them will introduce you to a hobby or pastime which sets your imagination on fire. Graphic design, astronomy, ESP any or all of these subjects could restore your sense of wonder. You may even be inspired to join a club. If there's anything you enjoy, it's learning in the company of likeminded people.

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Your kindness and sympathy put you in line for a prominent position. If you're going on a job interview, be sure to emphasise your customer service skills. You possess both leadership ability and social finesse. Wining and dining socially prominent people will help you attract good clients. Running for political office is also a distinct possibility. The public responds to your common sense beliefs and goofy sense of humour. Throw your hat in the ring.

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A trip for pleasure is just what the doctor ordered so take this opportunity to explore discount air tickets and hotel fares. You could find some very good prices on luxury accommodations. Visiting a nature reserve or going on a safari might appeal to you. You've always had an affinity for wild animals. Be sure to take your camera, as you could get some really beautiful shots on this trip. If you're happily hitched, it will feel like you're on a second honeymoon.

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A passionate love affair consumes your every thought. It's scary how the object of your affection makes you feel like you've lost control. Actually, this may be a good thing for you. You have a tendency to plan ahead for everything. Now you're with someone who is utterly unpredictable, you're being forced to go with the flow. This is a very valuable skill, and can help you take more pleasure from life. Already in a relationship? Let your lover sweep you off your feet.

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A business or romantic relationship is getting stronger and stronger. It's nice to know you can lean on your partner in good times and bad. If you're looking for love, you could find it at a concert, play, or movie. Keep your eyes open for a rugged individualist. At first glance, you look like total opposites. Upon further examination, though, it's obvious the two of you have a great deal in common. You are both principled, humorous and fun loving.

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You could be called upon to help a sick friend. Running errands for them will help them focus on getting better. A few well timed visits will also help. People may be surprised to see the lengths you'll go to for them but your concern is a natural extension of your generous instincts. It's just because you usually hide your tender heart beneath a tough exterior. Giving aid to a friend in need will allow you to adopt a gentler approach to yourself.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're entering a period of heightened romance. If you're in a relationship, it will be hard for your amour to keep their hands off you. Keep in mind that you're very fertile now. There's never been a better time to start a family. If you are single, you could meet someone special at a sporting event, gym, or marathon. You're especially attracted to outgoing athletes. Parents should take care to encourage their children's creative talent.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Home is where the heart is. No matter how stressful work is, you can rest assured there are people in your personal life who can keep worry at bay. Let your loved ones shower you with tender loving care. It's never been easy for you to accept affection from others but if you let your guard down you'll actually relax and enjoy yourself. Be sure to praise a relative for a special meal she's prepared just for you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A series of short trips for business or pleasure gives your life a welcome lift. Lately, you've settled into a routine that has dulled your senses. Being forced out of your comfort zone will rekindle your creativity. If you're given a chance to study with a respected expert, take it. They will encourage you to express yourself in both scary and exciting ways. It's fun to discover aspects of your personality that you never knew existed.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You'll have a chance to pamper your sensual side today. Take this opportunity to buy yourself something special, like gourmet food, silk pyjamas, cologne, artwork, or music. Too often, you spend your hard earned cash on loved ones. Although your instincts are admirable, you need to guard against depriving your own needs. If someone offers you a gift like concert tickets or a stay at their holiday home, accept immediately. You're bound to have a great time.

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