
Take this opportunity to add tasteful furnishings and artwork to your home. The more comfortable and attractive your surroundings, the greater your enjoyment will be of domestic pursuits. Don't be surprised if you start entertaining a lot more once you paint a drab room a warm, inviting colour. A once forbidding space will become your favourite place to gather with friends. Give yourself permission to spend a little more money than usual on decorations that uplift and inspire you.

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Your boss will ask you to serve as a spokesperson for the business. Your velvet voice puts people at ease. It also reassures customers that it's all right to spend lots of money. These powers of persuasion make you a valuable asset to the organisation. Therefore, you are justified in asking for a raise. Be charming and witty when making your request. This will make it virtually impossible for your boss to turn you down. A warm smile works wonders.

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Splash out on some luxury purchases. This is a terrific time to go shopping for clothes or buy glamorous accessories. If you'd rather buy a book, purchase a special edition that has an eye catching cover or beautiful illustrations. It's important to indulge your sensual side from time to time. When you neglect your love of beauty, you become tired and irritable. Spend some of your hard earned cash on pure pleasure. You're long overdue for a treat.

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You draw love like a magnet. People enjoy your offbeat sense of humour and kind heart. It's a nice combination that makes people want to get closer. If you're looking for romance, you'll have your pick of admirers. Choose the one who is accomplished, dynamic and ambitious. You'll make a great couple. If you already have a partner, let your amour wait on you for a change. Be assertive about your needs and don't hesitate to ask for favours.

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Keep your sensitive side under wraps. You've always had a tender heart. This causes manipulators to seek favours from you. The last thing you want is to feel compelled to give someone money who doesn't deserve it. If you want to make a positive difference, get involved with a charity that is close to your heart. Donating time, money and resources to this cause will satisfy your humanitarian impulses. It's better to work with a reputable organisation than help a person of questionable character.

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An artistic friend will offer to share their creative skills with you. Expanding your repertoire will be lots of fun. You're a multi-talented individual who isn't content specialising in one field. By feeding your creative side, you'll notice improvements in virtually every other area of life. A close relationship will become more passionate, your job will be more rewarding and your home life will seem more fulfilling. This is a valuable lesson. When things go wrong, make some art.

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If you've ever wanted to pursue a career in the arts, now is the time to do so. You'll make a great impression on someone who is looking for an employee who is charming, diplomatic and tasteful. Don't worry if this position pays less than the one you currently hold. There will be plenty of growth opportunity at a company, museum, charitable or humanitarian organisation. Always remember when you do what you love, the money will follow. It's an unwritten law of the Universe.

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Learning as an adult is very different from learning as a child. Now you're older, you'll be able to pick what you want to study. You can also choose an educator who makes you excited to learn. Take this opportunity to explore a subject that has always fascinated you. Reading about your favourite topic will renew your enthusiasm for life. You'll become more optimistic and it will become easier to solve problems. Best of all, minor annoyances will cease to bother you.

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A financial windfall could arrive in the form of an inheritance, royalty cheque or dividend payment. Put this money towards something that makes you happy. This could be anything from a trip to a rare book to an advanced course. Be honest with yourself about what you really want. Pampering yourself will help you out of a rut. Lately, you've been working overtime to make others happy. Their lack of enthusiasm has been hurtful. Give your ego a boost by buying yourself a marvellous gift.

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Treating your romantic partner like royalty will strengthen your bond. It doesn't matter how long you've been together. Show your affection in a variety of ways. Loving words, gifts, acts of service, quality time and physical touch will make your amour swoon with happiness. Are you single? You are at the brink of meeting someone special. If a relative offers to set you up on a blind date, accept. Alternatively, you could find a love match in a cooking class.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A pleasant job will be offered to you. Don't hesitate to accept it. Not only will you enjoy your duties, you'll also like your colleagues. Having a regular paying job will also allow you to buy some luxuries that were previously out of reach. You'll be able to add some stylish items to your wardrobe. Beautiful clothes bring out the best in you. When you look good, you radiate confidence. This attracts money, romance and creative opportunities. Everything is coming up roses for you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Spending time with a charming admirer boosts your confidence. It's wonderful to be appreciated by someone who is so attractive and humorous. Now you know you're lovable, take this opportunity to be kinder to yourself. Give yourself compliments whenever you fall victim to self-doubt. Accept compliments with a cheerful 'thank you' instead of brushing them off. Make a list of twenty things you love about yourself. A modest person like you sometimes needs to be reminded of your worth.

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