
A passionate outburst is the result of tremendous repression. You're tired of burying your feelings for the sake of an oversensitive romantic partner. If you've had difficulty in the love department, it may be because you feel inhibited. Whenever you've expressed your true feelings, people have run for the hills. They're intimidated by your powerful feelings. Hold out for someone who admires your strong stance. You deserve a partner who can sympathise for your powerful desire to live in a just world.

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You're tired of dealing with an inconsiderate person. Irresponsible people often seek caring friends who can cover their tracks. Instead of rushing to correct their mistakes, let this thoughtless person take the consequences for their actions. It's possible they'll be reprimanded, fired or publically humiliated, but that's not your problem. If your loved one tries to put the blame on you, issue a loud denial. You're no longer willing to take the fall for their bad behaviour. Something has got to change.

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Disputes with a colleague will make the office unpleasant. There really isn't an alternative. If you continue to look the other way at their abusive behaviour, the problem will continue to spiral out of control. It may be necessary to alert human resources to this situation. There's no reason you should endure this insanity a moment longer. The worst case scenario is that you will have to find a new position. That's not as dire as you think. Take this opportunity to transition into a more creative industry.

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Beware of burning the candle at both ends. Although you're having a lot of fun with a romantic partner, there is lots of work to be done. Shirking your duties could result in a loss of income. Turn in work before a deadline. Cultivate some new clients. Look for a more lucrative job. Do what you can to improve your financial situation. There will be plenty of time to party. Right now, you have to keep yourself afloat. If that means skipping a few outings, so be it.

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A home improvement project will hit a snag. It may be necessary to spend a lot of money to fix an emergency. If you're short on funds, try applying for a bank loan. Alternatively, a relative may be able to give you the resources to address the problem. If you don't own your home, think about moving to a new place that has all the modern conveniences. You're tired of dealing with faulty appliances and crumbling infrastructure. Find a better living situation.

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It's difficult to deal with a highly competitive colleague. Every time you submit work, they try to find ways to outperform you. Although you have no interest in pitting your talent against theirs, this other person thinks very differently. Ignoring them won't be possible. A good way to disarm this pest is to invite them out for coffee. Describe what you've observed and ask for a truce. Irrational people are often thrown off balance when their behaviour is addressed in a direct manner.

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Keep your valuables under lock and key. Stow possessions in the boot of your car, even if you're just running into the store for a few minutes. Even an innocent looking carrier bag can attract the attention of a thief. Practice the same discretion with your personal information. Shred bank statements or keep them in a safe. Upgrade your passwords. Don't leave your wallet where others can lift it. A few ounces of precaution will save time, money and aggravation.

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Selfish behaviour will come back to haunt you. Be kind and considerate to others, even if you dislike them. An oppressive authority figure should be given professional courtesy, even when they don't offer it to you. Being gracious will make a good impression on an influential business leader. Don't be surprised when you're offered a great position at their organisation. Taking the high road paves the way for luck in all forms. Resist the urge to obey your baser instincts.

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A secret enemy may be working against you. Be scrupulous about keeping records of all your correspondence. That way, if someone says you didn't send an email or make a phone call, you can set them right. If someone has been spreading rumours about you, stay calm. Being defensive only adds fuel to the fire. People will stop suspecting you when you resume business as usual. What matters is your ability to deliver work on time, under budget and without a drama.

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Don't let friends talk you into reckless behaviour. You have to take a cautious approach with money. An expensive status symbol will lose its value as soon as you take it out of the store or showroom. Hold out for quality merchandise that will give you long term pleasure. Has a loved one's toxic behaviour been distressing you? It may be time to part ways. They won't be happy with your defection, but you simply can't risk associating with this daredevil anymore.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Assuming a dictatorial approach at work will cause tremendous problems. Although you're concerned that certain people need extra supervision, it doesn't warrant a condescending attitude. The next time someone makes a mistake, you should take disciplinary measures. Chances are your fears are unfounded. Part of the problem is you are afraid of appearing weak, but playing the high handed autocrat isn't going to work either. Find a middle way.

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Avoid discussing sensitive subjects like religion and politics in mixed company. If a person mocks your beliefs, you should tell them to back off. Pretending these comments don't bother you will only accelerate the problem. Bullies have to be challenged in the early stages. When they're not, their behaviour becomes more and more outrageous. This is because their sole purpose is to get a reaction from their victims. Walk tall and look your tormentor in the eye. Issue a nasty ultimatum.

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