
Narrow minded attitudes could create some hidden enemies. Try not to jump to conclusions after meeting someone whose beliefs seem peculiar. If you give them a chance, you may find they have a lot to offer, especially in the way of creative inspiration. Lately, you've been longing to express yourself through writing, dancing, or writing music. Stop insisting the boat has sailed. It's never too late to rescue a dream. It will free you to be inventive.

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Jealousy could create problems in a friendship. Just because someone close to you has experienced good luck doesn't mean you are doomed to failure. The Universe is a kind and generous place, provided you are open to its benevolence. Be willing to accept compliments, favours, and help. The sooner you stop treating life like a hardship, the easier it gets. A generous job offer could come your way. Keep your eyes open for opportunities with non profit groups.

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Stop looking to a loved one or business partner for guidance. You need to trust your own conscience about an ethical matter. If you do as you're told, you could end up resenting the person who gave you advice. Do you really want to jeopardise a perfectly good relationship this way? Besides, you need to have more faith in your instincts. If you do happen to make a mistake, you can draw on it as a learning experience.

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It's hard to see the forest for the trees. Keep your primary goal in mind at all times: To finish a job in time for a deadline. If this means skipping a few steps or taking a slapdash approach to certain elements, so be it. Nobody would dare accuse you of being sloppy, given the time constraints under which you have been forced to work. Spending a relaxing evening in your lover's arms will make the day's stress a distant memory. Abandon yourself to passion.

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Someone could take advantage of you through excessive flattery. Turn a deaf ear to a smooth talking salesmen or an opportunistic relative or you could lose your hard earned cash. You work hard for your money and resent it when people take it from you in an underhanded way. This doesn't mean you're stingy. On the contrary, you're always willing to help a friend and give donations to charity so long as people are up front and just come right out and ask for your help and guidance.

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Don't confuse nurturing with smothering. Sometimes you've got to let a loved one make their own mistakes in order to learn. Sure, they'll experience some bumps and bruises along the way, but it's better than not having taken any risks at all. If the thought of loosening the apron strings fills you with anxiety, you need to find some distractions. Organising your desk, cleaning out your closets, or emptying out a junk drawer should keep you busy for a couple of hours.

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It may be difficult to come to a decision, but you must as it's not fair to keep everybody else waiting. If worse comes to worst, you can always flip a coin. This may seem like an irreverent way to settle the question, but it's better than hemming and hawing all day. Once you get that problem out of the way, you'll be able to devote your full attention to a lover, youngster or creative pursuit. Stop letting mundane matters undermine your enjoyment of life.

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Refusal to change your ways could lead to disaster. It's in your best interest to step out of your comfort zone. If you don't, you could be passed over for a job or promotion. Yes, it's a pain to learn new methods at this stage of the game, but the inconvenience will be only temporary. Let a sympathetic friend or relative pamper you this evening. Eating a home cooked meal or getting a soothing back rub will cause your good spirits to return.

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Try not to take a relative's hurtful remarks personally. These comments are probably rooted in jealousy and resentment. While it's too bad your family member has experienced bad luck, it's not your fault. Besides, you should be commended for making courageous choices for the sake of your own happiness. Too often, people martyr themselves for taking the responsible route. You're not interested in being noble. You're determined to lead a life of adventure, and there's nothing wrong with that.

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You could be your own worst enemy as far as a social situation is concerned. Stop telling yourself you don't know what to say to people. By having several topics of conversation ready before going into a party, you'll be much more relaxed. Avoid dead end topics like the weather. Enquire after people's interest in books, movies, and sports. If you're unfamiliar with someone's hobbies, ask lots of questions. People love to expound on their favourite topics.

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Everybody knows you want your freedom, but it may not be possible now. You've got other responsibilities, and need to attend to them before doing what you would like. Providing financial support to an ungrateful child, relative or spouse may be a bitter pill to swallow, but it's the right thing to do. This medicine will go down easier if you get involved with a humanitarian cause. Nothing eases resentment like exercising your compassion.

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Beware of befriending somebody just because he can advance your career or you'll look like an opportunist and may never get an opportunity to prove your worth. If you're going to make an impression, it's best to do so on the basis of talent. Be willing to take a menial job to get your foot in the door. Trust your intuition when it comes to the sort of image you want to project, having the right look helps create the right atmosphere for you to shine.

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