
Normally, you have no trouble accepting new challenges and taking big risks. Today you feel a bit intimidated. Maybe it's because you haven't received much validation from your peers. Deep down inside, their opinions really do matter to you. Model your behaviour after a young child who has been working towards a goal for some time. By adopting their focused view, you'll cross the finish line in no time flat.

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Comparing your success to that of your friends and family is a terrible mistake. After all, your loved ones are not your rivals. If you're not happy with the progress you've made, change your approach. Establishing a familiar work routine can keep your anxieties at bay. Don't dwell on past disappointments, either. You've gained lots of valuable experience since then. You'll start making more money when you adopt a more positive attitude.

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It may feel as though your loved ones have a stranglehold on your life and while you appreciate their care and concern, you need to strike out on your own, even at the risk of incurring their disapproval. State your goals in a firm, unyielding way. Don't open the conversation to debate. This can be difficult for an easygoing person like you, but you've got to swim against the tide while you're feeling strong.

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It feels as though you're a beginner taking an advanced class. Everybody else seems to know more than you do and while you seem to be at a distinct disadvantage in this situation, you've really got an ace up your sleeve. That's because you don't take anything for granted. Take this opportunity to master the latest technologies. By working diligently in the privacy of your own home, you'll soon surpass the competition.

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You may not get the support you need from colleagues and loved ones. You can still achieve your goals on your own. It's all a matter of self care. If you do one nice thing for yourself each day, the Universe will reward you with two more kind acts. Sooner or later, your colleagues and friends will realise they've been neglecting you. Until then, you've got to take responsibility for your happiness.

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You want to meet the demands of your career, but that may not be possible right now. For one thing, you're utterly exhausted. There's also the problem of a close partner who needs your stabilising influence. Put your private life first, then deal with work related concerns. If you don't feel fulfilled in your relationships, it will be impossible to do a good job, anyway. You may have to ask the boss for some time off.

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Try not to jump to conclusions with somebody whose background is different than your own. While it's understandable you take pride in your own origins, that shouldn't mean this person's experience is completely invalid. Maybe this animosity is really a mask for sexual attraction. Before you discount this possibility altogether, consider why you are so obsessed by their behaviour. The opposite of love isn't hate; it's indifference.

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Being of service to your employer paves the way for future success. Unfortunately, a friend, lover or child doesn't understand why you're spending so much time at work. You've got to explain where your priorities lie right now. If you're out of a job, you need to pour your energy into finding a career that will afford long-term security. Once you get over this obstacle, you'll be more available to your nearest and dearest.

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You've got a strong urge to parent somebody who is close to your heart and while these instincts are admirable, they could lead to trouble down the line. It's hard to sustain a passionate relationship when there's a power imbalance. If you want to help your beloved, do it as an equal, not as a superior. Taking up an absorbing hobby can also take the pressure off your love life.

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A harsh outburst from a neighbour, sibling or cousin feels disquieting. You were totally unaware there were any rifts in your relationship. Try not to take these comments to heart. It's possible the person in question is projecting their own difficulties onto you. You've always been such a calm, capable soul. This makes you a lightning rod for others' insecurities. Comfort yourself with a spa treatment or luxury purchase.

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You've got to keep a tight rein on your finances if your love life is going to flourish. Money is often a sore subject for lovers. Until you learn to discuss this matter constructively, your relationship will suffer. Don't be so quick to judge who is right and who is wrong. The spendthrift knows how to enjoy themselves, while the saver understands the value of investing in the future. Find a middle ground.

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A partner may not be giving you the validation you crave, which is nerve wracking. Instead of looking to this person for approval, just throw caution to the wind. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what anybody thinks of your efforts. The important thing is to satisfy your own needs. Whether this means embarking on a new health regime or taking a demanding job is immaterial. Choose the path that will lead directly to your goals.

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