
You're starting to change what you want regarding your career. In the past, you were determined to make your way in a certain industry. Now you want to find a way to make a living that affords independence. If this means launching your own business, so be it. You might even decide to leave a demanding job for one that pays less but is lots of fun. Don't worry what other people will think of this sudden shift. If it feels right, just do it!

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Someone feels threatened by your natural talent. If it feels like they are constantly criticising you, it's probably because they know you will eventually outshine them. Escape their influence as soon as you can and find a more supportive instructor. Studying with somebody from a religious or cultural institution can be helpful. Their reputation may not be as impressive, but their advice will be much more helpful. Students need a nurturing environment if they're going to flourish.

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Sexual repression is causing problems in an intimate relationship. One or both of you has difficulty expressing your needs. Counselling will help you break past the barriers that are holding your relationship hostage. If you're single, it may be because you have difficulty letting down your defences. Becoming close to someone else requires practice. Open up to a friend you've always trusted. Discussing your childhood can be therapeutic and will give loved ones added insights to your quirks.

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A controlling friend, lover, or colleague is worried you will steal their thunder. Until you can develop a more supportive relationship, you may want to go your separate ways. You're a born leader, but many people don't realise this at first, because you're rather introverted. Once you take stock of a situation you know exactly how to improve it. You've also got great instincts about people and know which jobs to assign to which members of your team.

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You need to leave a toxic work environment before it gets any worse. An authority figure who abusing their position needs to be reported. If they own the business, you may want to seek outside advice. Looking for a job? Be very selective about where you apply. Snapping up a position that doesn't suit you will just deplete you of valuable energy. Right now, you might be better off doing odd jobs than taking a full time spot.

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A creative block is driving you to distraction. Instead of forcing the issue, distract yourself with routine work. A breakthrough will occur when you least expect it. That's because doing the dishes, folding the laundry, and scrubbing the bathroom floor will keep your conscious mind busy while your imagination runs free. If you've always wanted to try your hand at a new creative medium, give yourself permission to do so. There's no reason a multi-talented person like you should be a one trick pony.

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Painful issues from childhood are complicating your love life. If you're going to have a healthy adult relationship, you need to resolve problems from your past. Seek the help of a sympathetic counsellor. Learning how to express your feelings verbally and creatively will be liberating. It will also help you make peace with the past. It's time to create a happier, healthier future for yourself. If you don't, you'll just be giving your enemies more power over your life.

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Upsetting news from a government institution has you worried. It may be necessary to get legal help to cope with this problem. If there's anything you hate, it's feeling out of control. The sooner you stop cursing your fate the happier you will be. Lean in to the situation and see where it takes you. It's possible you'll make friends with a colleague you've always hated. This person is a lot smarter than you thought. Best of all, they have a wicked sense of humour.

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Financial problems are crimping your style. You may not be able to go to college or take a trip because you don't have the money. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, formulate a plan. Taking a job that pays the bills may be boring, but at least it will bring you closer to your goal. Give yourself a deadline or you'll just end up treading water. Working outdoors as a landscaper or dog walker won't feel as restrictive as sitting in an office all day.

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Beware of pushing relatives into an arrangement they don't like. If they don't want to move, you need to find a way you can continue living at your home while pursuing your career goals. It might even be necessary for you to get your own place for a while. Living separately from your loved ones will teach you a lot about your needs. Just because your family holds certain values doesn't mean you should have the same principles.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Giving in to your fears will prevent you from fulfilling your creative potential. You're extremely intelligent and need to have work that draws on your problem solving abilities. Someone may offer you a thankless job which has a lot of social importance. By making a success of this venture, you'll impress both your peers and your superiors. Best of all, you'll make life easier for financially disadvantaged people. If there's anything you enjoy, it's balancing the scales of justice.

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Friends are pressuring you to follow their example, but you're intent on doing things your own way. Pursuing a job in the arts can be alienating, because your definition of success is so different from everyone else's. If someone pokes fun at your lifestyle, it's probably because they're jealous. People who have the courage to pursue their dreams are always threatening to middle of the road types. Although you may not make much money, you're much happier than most of your friends.

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