
Spending time on private pursuits will be rewarding. You're always so generous with friends. Now it's time to attend to your needs. Take this opportunity to soak in a scented bath, take a long nap, listen to music and cuddle your pets. This interlude will inspire you to make some changes to your daily routine. Getting up earlier to pray, reflect or write in a journal will cultivate a more peaceful pace. Even a dynamo like you can benefit from slowing down and smelling the flowers.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Group activities make you smile with happiness. It's time to reconnect with your favourite people. Lately, you've been spending all your time on career concerns. Now the pressures of work are easing. Use this opportunity to have a party, go out for a few lunches and play some games. These outings will be expensive. You can cut costs by hosting a few casual get togethers at your place. People love the cosy haven you've created and will be glad to gather for a home cooked meal.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You'll make tremendous progress towards an impressive goal. Even if it means cancelling a romantic outing or pleasure trip, you will put in the necessary work to succeed. Don't be surprised if you're offered a fabulous career opportunity. A well-placed colleague who is impressed with your creativity and intelligence wants you on their team. This is your chance to take a respected institution into the future. Update its products and services, modernise its methods and find ways of staying relevant. If anyone can do it, you can.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You're excited about the future and with good reason. A chance to study with a talented expert will give you a new lease on life. Instead of travelling the same predictable path, you'll make a change. Some people will worry you are courting disaster. They'll urge you to maintain the status quo. Ignore their warnings and follow your heart. The chance to live abroad, become a professional artist or embark on a thrilling romance are among the possibilities. Stop settling for second best.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A passionate relationship gives you the courage to pursue a lifelong dream. With your partner at your side, you can move mountains. Don't let a lack of funds stop you from developing a creative project, starting a business or launching a non-profit organisation. You can get a grant from a prominent cultural institution. A detail-oriented Gemini will help fill out the daunting paperwork. When your enthusiasm wanes, run back into the arms of your amour. They'll remind you of what is important.

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Spending time with your favourite person in the world is a lovely diversion from daily responsibility. Take this opportunity to enjoy a candlelit dinner with your amour. You don't need a special occasion to celebrate your love. Are you single? A powerful attraction is brewing between you and an accomplished newcomer. It feels wonderful to be courted by someone who is obviously besotted by you. Take this relationship slow. You have a lifetime to together, so draw out the courtship phase for as long as possible.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Taking care of others gives you pleasure. You love anticipating the needs of loved ones. Seeing them smile when you present them with a favourite dish or special gift makes you fully aware of the richness of life. Everything you want is right here at your fingertips. The prospect of going away fills you with sadness. Instead of dreading an upcoming journey, treat it as an opportunity to expand your horizons. By the time you return home, you'll be even more deeply in love with your regular life.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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When you do what you love, the money will follow. It's important to find a creative outlet. Neglecting your impulse to write, play music and paint makes you tired and anxious. It's much better to put these artistic pursuits at the top of your list of priorities. If this means pitching some mundane chores, so be it. If you're in a romantic relationship, your amour may resent all the time you spend on art. Reassure them of your devotion but stick to the programme.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Pour your energy into creating a comfortable home. You're a restless character who likes to keep moving. After making the round of parties, even you must recharge your batteries. Returning to a tranquil haven will be therapeutic. You might even welcome the opportunity to escape from the friends, relatives and neighbours who are always clamouring for your attention. Give careful thought to the kinds of colours, textures and patterns that have a soothing effect. If you're not sure what changes to make, talk to a tasteful Libra.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Take a short trip for pleasure. You will benefit from a change of scenery. Although you might have to stay in budget accommodation, you'll still have a lovely time. There might even be enough time to visit a friend who lives nearby. This reunion will be unexpectedly moving. Getting back together will make you realise just how progress you've made since the old days. Jot down these thoughts in your diary when you return home. These ideas could be turned into a wonderful novel, screenplay or short story.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You will not be hurried into a decision. An anxious romantic partner or youngster wants you to make a big purchase, but you are intent on weighing your options. It's possible you can get an impressive discount through some personal connections. Don't hesitate to ask a well-connected friend for a favour. The money you save can be put towards even more luxuries. You enjoy spoiling yourself while getting a bargain in the process. It's like doubling your pleasure.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're ready to put a plan into action. Book a trip now, while you're feeling enthusiastic. After a little digging, you'll uncover some excellent plane fares and hotel rates. Travelling with a group can be a great way to cut costs. A relative will accuse you of being selfish for going on this journey. They're just jealous of your willingness to pursue your dreams. Long ago, you learned the pitfalls of postponing things that make you genuinely happy. You're too smart to ignore your heart's desire.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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