
You'll find deep emotional satisfaction from domestic pursuits. This is a wonderful time to experiment with recipes, clear out clutter or host a big family gathering. If you're thinking of buying a place, make a list of all the things you want from your dream home. The more detailed you are, the easier it will be to find exactly what you desire. Of course, you'll have to compromise on a few things, but that's life. A relative may give you a lovely heirloom as a house warming gift.

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You care deeply about your community. Getting involved with a neighbourhood beautification project will be a good use of your talent. Whether you're planting flowers in a public square, picking up rubbish of the street or planning a new park is immaterial. The important thing is to find ways to make your surroundings more comfortable and attractive. A short trip for pleasure is in the cards. Pack comfortable clothing as well as one dressier outfit. That way, you'll be ready for anything.

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Your emotional and financial affairs are linked. You're not the type who can be successful in a boring job. You want work that captivates your imagination. Opportunities involving property or banking may appeal to your desire to build something of lasting value. Alternatively, you might decide to care for children or elderly people. It really doesn't matter what you decide to do for a living, so long as it fills you with excitement. Ditch a dead end job for one that makes you eager to go to the office.

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There's no shame wearing your heart on your sleeve. You'd much rather be honest about your feelings than play games, especially where romance is concerned. If you're in a relationship, your partner could do something incredibly kind for you. It's nice to know you're loved and appreciated. Would you like a stronger family connection? Think about some traditions you can adopt and pass along to future generations. These can be anything from preparing a special meal each holiday or making festive decorations together.

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A little peace and privacy can be therapeutic. As a general rule, you enjoy basking in the spotlight. Right now, you're tired of being the subject of public scrutiny. Spending more time at home will allow you to rest and relax. Turn off your mobile, stay away from the computer and avoid stressful people. Spiritual pursuits can be rewarding. There's more to life than money, work and status. Connect with the part of yourself that believes in something beautiful, intangible and majestic.

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Friends feel more like family right now. It's a relief to be able to confide troubling feelings to people who won't judge you. If you're contemplating a big change, this would be a good time to get the ball rolling. You've always been highly practical. This has caused you to put a childhood dream on the backburner. Instead of neglecting this desire any longer, pursue it. You'll get plenty of support from your nearest and dearest. Don't hesitate to accept help in all forms, whether it's financial or emotional.

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You're very sensitive about your reputation. You take great pride in your work and want to be seen as one of the talented people in your field. When false rumours circulate, you become nervous. The best way to handle this situation is to pretend it doesn't exist. Eventually, all the excitement will die down. People will realise you have been the victim of a jealous rival. Cream always rises to the top. If you're thinking of changing jobs, be sure to give your employer advance notice.

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Being able to study a subject you love will feel like the answer to a prayer. If you lack the funds to take an adult education course, apply for a scholarship. Alternatively, your employer could pay for this training. It's also possible your romantic partner will foot the bill. Do whatever you can to advance your knowledge. Learning a foreign language will allow you to work abroad. Immersing yourself in a foreign culture will be challenging but rewarding. You'll benefit from the change.

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A close friendship or romantic relationship strengthens your resolve. Making a dramatic personal transformation will not be easy. You'll have to resist temptation and establish healthier habits. The secret to your success is studying the behaviour of successful people. Instead of veering from one emergency to another, establish a regular routine. Be practical and put yourself on a budget. All this sounds terribly boring, but you'll soon get the hang of things. It takes thirty days to establish a habit.

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You're deeply attached to someone who is caring and sentimental. Whenever you're overwhelmed or sad, you have been able to turn to this friend for support. With their guidance, you've gained a deeper appreciation of life. Your career accomplishments are impressive, but your greatest legacy is all the strong bonds you've formed. If you're looking for love, you could find it with someone who has a ribald laugh. Being in their company is like drinking champagne.

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Your mind and body are strongly connected. If you have been suffering from an ache or pain, get medical attention for it. Adopting a positive outlook can also bring relief. Listening to upbeat music, surrounding yourself with optimistic people and reading inspirational books can have a tremendous impact. Are you looking for work? You could find a rewarding job with quirky hours. Escaping the nine to five routine will be a relief. You hate having a predictable, routine filled lifestyle.

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You have always been sentimental about your past loves. If a former romantic partner makes contact, it will be hard to resist a reunion. Try not to lose your heart all over again. There is a reason you broke up in the first place. Although you've always admired creative types, you have a tendency to overlook their shortcomings. Hold out for someone who is both artistic and steadfast. You deserve someone who will adore you exclusively. Are you already in love? Plan a romantic night in.

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