
Your ideas are superior to those of a rival, but that isn't obvious to everyone. If you're going to win through, you will have to make a hard sales pitch. Ordinarily, this wouldn't bother you. You're very good at promoting your agenda. Recently, you've been feeling rather tired and distracted. The thought of making yourself vulnerable makes you wince. Summon up your willpower and speak your mind and share what's in your heart. If you don't, you'll start the New Year with tremendous regrets.

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It will be more difficult than you expect to get help with a work project. Colleagues are indifferent to your cause. Guilt trips will fall flat and cause resentment. If you really want to get this job done, you'll have to do it yourself. If that is a non-starter you should put things off to a more convenient time. If you are aware that the people around you are struggling with their workload you should do what needs to be done and give them a helping hand. They'll reward you for all your kindness and generosity.

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Beware of falling prey to temptation. Instead of going to your favourite stores, stay home and do some chores you've been avoiding. Are you yearning to party when there is work to be done? Push yourself to run some errands. When you've finished, get to bed early instead of staying up all night. Is a friend counting on you for help? Instead of cancelling at the last minute to go on a date, fulfil your commitment. Frivolous behaviour will be serious cause for regret.

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Don't resist taking on additional responsibilities. Although you've grown accustomed to a certain way of life, you will be better served by working more, not less. Whether this means taking care of a relative, getting your own place to live or assuming a demanding job is immaterial. The important thing is to push yourself harder than usual. Your diligent attitude will earn the respect of everyone you know. There will be the added benefit of having stronger self-esteem.

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You have hit a wall as far as work is concerned. If you're going to advance, you will have to get additional training. Stop shying away from getting a license or advanced degree. Although going back to college or Uni will be expensive and time consuming, you will benefit from it. Think carefully about where you would like to be in the next few years. Don't be afraid to transition to a totally different industry. Are you not interested in pursuing a career path? Then take up a stimulating hobby.

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You're not seeing the results you expected from hard work. It's no wonder you are disappointed. Instead of dwelling on the situation, set a new goal. Choose something that is pleasant and easily achieved. Once you are successful with one venture, you will gain some momentum. If you aren't making as much money as your peers, don't worry. It will take you longer to get to where you want to be because your standard of success is much higher. Keep the faith that you will be victorious.

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It won't be possible to accommodate everyone. This makes you very uncomfortable, as you prefer to cultivate a harmonious environment wherever you go. Sadly, that isn't possible now. There simply aren't the time, money and resources available to meet every request. Create some guidelines for what your priorities will be. You may decide to go with a first come, first served policy or prefer to treat make cases as more urgent than others. Be clear about why you are making these choices.

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People with problems are drawn to you. Don't feel pressured to listen to their tales of woe. You're very compassionate, but you are also extremely busy. You've always been the type to pull yourself out of bad situations. This sometimes prompts self-saboteurs to seek you out. They think you can transform their lives as well as your own. The problem is their lives are not your responsibility. Establish some firm boundaries and do not fall prey to guilt trips.

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It's important to foster a sense of independence in your loved ones. Continually coming to their rescue is putting them at a disadvantage. The next time somebody forgets their lunch or doesn't pick up their dry cleaning, express sympathy but don't volunteer to help. If you're asked to give assistance, calmly explain you are busy with other things. This could cause a dramatic fight, but that's not your problem. You have better things to do than act as a P.A. for your nearest and dearest.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You've had lots of pressure to live up to other people's expectations. Instead of trying to win their approval, seek to satisfy yourself. If you're no longer happy in your career, think of what you would rather be doing. Staying home to raise a child or care for a sick relative may bring more satisfaction than holding down a job. When people criticise your decisions, examine their motives. They probably want to maintain the status quo because it benefits them while putting you at a disadvantage.

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Although you have expert knowledge in a particular area, there are still things to learn. Be open to listening to someone who seems young and inexperienced. You'll quickly discover they have a great deal to teach you. It's always helpful to examine the work of your peers. Some of their discoveries can inspire you to develop theories or rethink your positions. You have a reputation for being stubborn, but you won't cling to a theory once it's been proven wrong. Be ready to adjust your ideas.

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It's time to take another look at your priorities. You've spent a great deal of time throughout 2016 helping others, both financially and emotionally. Now it's time to put yourself first. Whether this means using your hard earned money to build up savings or enjoying a more leisurely lifestyle is up to you. Anyone who dares accuses you of being selfish is being manipulative. Stay on your guard with these people. The only reason they are in your orbit is to get something they don't deserve.

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