
You can't have your cake and eat it, too. Loyalty to a loved one should prevent you from straying from a relationship. Don't embark on a romance with someone who hates children if you have a little one. If you're single, you may feel tempted to play the field, but watch out or someone could get the wrong idea and think you've made a serious commitment. Such misunderstandings will only lead to heartache. Be brutally honest about your intentions.

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You may be overly sensitive to criticism. Your boss has some pointed comments about a recent job. Resist the urge to lash out against these remarks. If taken in the right spirit, they could actually help your work performance. If you're looking for work, you may not find a very interesting position. It may be necessary to take a situation for money's sake. That doesn't mean you're selling out. It just means you're taking the responsible route.

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Broadening your horizons isn't an option right now. You've got to attend to mundane details of life, whether it's running errands, paying bills, or returning phone calls. An expert could try to impart their knowledge to you, making you feel self conscious. Be willing to admit your ignorance. Although your teacher is annoying, this information will be valuable. This isn't a good time to plan a holiday, as you'll find better rates later next week. Just stay in research mode.

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This isn't a good time to spend money, as you'll get less than you bargained for. Something that looks fabulous on the package will let you down once you catch sight of the actual product. Someone who is flirting with you may have an ulterior motive. You can tell what they really want by observing their behaviour. See if he or she sticks around after you go Dutch treat on a couple of outings. You shouldn't have to finance all of your outings.

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You've become overly dependent on a friend or lover, and this needs to stop. Get into the habit of attending to your own needs, whether it's spending time on a solitary hobby or being more vocal about what restaurant you want to visit. It isn't healthy to let one person call all of the shots in a relationship. If you are single, it may be because you are expecting too much from a partner. Scale back your demands, especially in the early stages of a romance.

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It feels as if you're hiding from the world; maybe it's because someone hurt your feelings. Perhaps your job has drained your energy. It's even possible you feel ill. Whatever the situation, you need to step up your social life. Going out with friends can restore your good spirits. Let them pamper you. You're always looking for ways to make others comfortable. Having them return the favour will make you realise life isn't nearly as grim as you once thought.

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A group meeting could be emotionally charged. Don't let a provocateur wind you up. They know you are sensitive to crude language and behaviour. By refusing to bat an eyelash at their outrageous remarks, you'll maintain the upper hand. If a youngster is playing up, it's because he or she wants your attention. Set your work aside and vow to spend more quality time together. There's no better way to show your devotion. Head someplace you both will enjoy.

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Negative publicity makes you reluctant to venture outside. You're tired of being the scapegoat. This is one of those situations when you need to take the bad with the good. Although you're naturally very reclusive, you've been forced into the spotlight in recent months. This has led to some important career advancement. Of course, this means assuming more responsibility, too. Devise ways to keep your personal and professional lives separate.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Although your live and let live philosophy is admirable, it does have limitations. Lately, a neighbour's behaviour has been causing you strife. You need to confront them before you start internalising the stress. By hammering out a compromise, you'll be able to think well of them again. This isn't a good time to be embroiled in a legal dispute. If a court rules against you, move on. Challenging the decision will only prolong your agony.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A moody partner or friend has you walking on eggshells. The stress is intolerable; you need to find an outlet. Spending time outdoors can restore your good spirits. Riding your bike, walking through the park, or hiking through the forest are all activities you might try. Eventually, your loved one's good spirits will be restored, and the two of you can go back to your old routine. In the meantime, you will have soaked up some sunshine and improved your health.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A redundant romance could be affecting the way you deal with would be wooers. It's time to put the past behind you. Yes, your ex may have done some terrible things, but you've learned a lot since then. By giving somebody different a chance, you'll be pleasantly surprised. If you're already in a relationship, try to break a negative dynamic. Remember, your amour is on your side. Acting like competitors will only drag the both of you down.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You need to have a healthier outlook if you're going to strengthen your immune system. Constant depression makes you vulnerable to disease. When you expect good things to happen, your energy will lift. It will be easier to carry out complex duties. Not only that, you'll be able to go out with mates after hours and have a great time. Start monitoring your thoughts. If you catch yourself going down dark pathways, turn around and walk towards the light.

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