
You're determined to get your money's worth today, even if that means being obstinate. With a little creative thinking, you can get a great bargain by trading goods and services. Your boss admires your tenacity and may reward you with an important assignment. If you're going to do this job successfully, you need to assert your authority. Have words with a colleague who is always goofing off at critical times. You need to make an example of him or her.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Stand by your decisions, especially about your career. Relatives may think you're crazy for passing up a seemingly secure position. You're tired of taking the responsible route and want a little adventure. Looking outside your area of expertise will yield fruit. One way to find interesting work is to master a foreign language. Taking a class will put you in contact with some interesting people, one of whom could develop into a romantic interest. The mutual attraction will be electric.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Trust your instincts and abandon yourself to sensual pleasure. Recently, you've been here, there and everywhere. It's become exhausting. Luxuriating in a scented bath, taking an afternoon nap or savouring some delicious takeaway will lift your spirits. Be sure to follow up on a friend's movie or book recommendation. You'll be pleasantly surprised by this diversion and may even be inspired to start a creative work of your own.

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Working alongside a group of friends gives you renewed confidence. You've been blessed with leadership ability, but hesitate to assert it in the company of love ones. Don't hold back this time around. The team will be grateful for your guidance. A business or romantic partner's financial luck will rub off on you. Don't be surprised if you find a beautifully wrapped gift on your desk or pillow in the days ahead. It may be necessary to ask an expert about a property matter.

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This is a good time to discuss career plans with a mentor or boss. You're determined to rise through the ranks, even if it means putting in long hours and doing grunt work. The secret to your success is a happy home life. A romantic partner or best friend is cheering you on from the sidelines. Lean on your loved one when your energy starts to flag. It may be necessary to assume new job responsibilities in the days ahead.

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It's comforting to know a female friend shares your values. Together, you can remedy a troubling situation at home. You can't stand by and watch someone get bullied. By standing in defence of the underdog, you'll feel a surge of power you never experienced before. You may not realise it, but you can be very intimidating when you want. A youngster who worships the ground on which you walk needs your support. Be prepared to champion their unconventional interests to a disapproving teacher.

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Making financial provisions for the future will protect you from uncertainty. By putting away a small portion of your income in a savings account on a regular basis, you'll keep the wolf from your door. It's all about establishing a habit. By sticking to your plan for 30 days, it will become as natural as breathing. Suddenly, it won't seem like such a struggle to put part of your wages away. A youngster's imagination will inspire you to launch a creative project of your own.

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It's time to have a heart to heart discussion with your lover, best friend or business partner. A subject that was once too painful to broach is now safe. By listening as much as you talk, the two of you can reach an agreement that works for you both. Respect your inner feelings about this. If you feel hurt, angry or ashamed by a situation, talk about it. You won't be judged harshly for this admission. On the contrary, your partner will feel more compassion for you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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This is a good time to go on a job interview or negotiate better work conditions. You've got a good grasp on where your strengths lay and should communicate these thoughts to your boss. Making a lateral move within your company may be in the cards. Although this new position won't involve more money or prestige, it will offer a refreshing change. An artistic friend may ask for help with a project. Go ahead and lend a hand; you'll learn some helpful skills along the way.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Set aside some time to read a book or watch a movie for pleasure. You can't keep working at this pace. Unless you force yourself to take a break, you'll drive yourself into the ground. A philanthropic endeavour is taking up lots of your time right now. Although it's rewarding, this project is also tiring. You're tired of barking out orders all day long. Replenish your spirits by spending time on the people and activities you love.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's time to put your household in order. Chores have been piling up in every direction. You've got to stock up on groceries, do some laundry and wash up. If you're overwhelmed, enlist the aid of relatives and roommates. Alternatively, you can always splurge on a cleaning service. It will be money well spent. Think of this expense as helping someone who really needs the work. A powerful dream contains a message worth heeding. Don't neglect your sensual side.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You don't have to put up with an arrangement which no longer serves your interests. Renegotiate this deal, even if you have to issue an ultimatum. People have come to rely on your easy going ways. Unless you rage against the machine, things will continue to go along this grim path. You need to arrange for more free time and less supervision. Happily, you have some powerful friends in high places who are more than happy to back you up.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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