
Taking an ethical stance is the only way you can live with yourself. Although it will be easier to agree with an oppressive, overbearing personality, simply for the sake of maintaining your job, your conscience won't allow it. Speak as you find, even if it means being dismissed from a steady position. You'll quickly find another job. You'll also attract lots of romantic attention resulting from your stand. If you have a serious partner, they'll encourage you to take a luxurious holiday. Follow your amour's advice.

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Your thoroughness and persistence cultivate financial stability. If you're put in charge of a group fund, you'll find a way to make the most of these resources. That doesn't necessarily mean buying cut rate materials and rock bottom salaries. You understand that every expenditure you make is an investment. It simply doesn't pay to constantly cut costs and cut corners. By weighing your options carefully, you'll strike great deals that will satisfy everyone: The group, your customer and those you work with.

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This is an excellent time to sign a contract. If you're not satisfied with the initial terms that are offered, negotiate a better arrangement. Use charm and wit to get your way. Don't be afraid to turn down a deal that is blatantly unfair. When the other side realises you mean business, they'll be willing to meet your terms. If you simply can't get the compensation you want, hold out for another agreement. A rival company will be happy to accommodate you.

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It's important to be accurate and precise in your work. When people realise how much time and effort you put into your job, they'll ask for you by name. Word will spread of your superior performance. At that point, you'll be able to get a raise or land a more lucrative job. Do you lack essential skills? Take this opportunity to take a course and add to your qualifications. Not only will it fill the gaps in your knowledge, but it will also help you to polish your professional image.

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Developing your creative talent renews your zest for life. No matter what the demands of your personal and professional lives, it's critical to make time for art. Working with a teacher will dramatically improve your ability to write, paint, play music or perform. The more devoted you are to your craft, the more fame you'll attract. Don't be surprised when you publish an article, sell a portrait, record an album or land a plum role. Everything is coming up roses.

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Your priority is creating a secure, supportive home for your family. It doesn't matter whether you are purchasing a place that can be handed down to future generations or starting a college fund for a child. If you have a romantic partner, be sure to take out an insurance policy. That way, they won't have to struggle if anything happens to you. Such precautions may seem morbid, but they will be appreciated when needed most. Before accepting a new job offer, check that it allows for a meaningful personal life.

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If you're going to a master a subject or acquire a skill, you must work hard. Practicing every day over a prolonged period will pay off handsomely. Don't expect to pass a test after cramming for it the night before. By giving your studies the time and care they deserve, you will go to the top of the class. You might even be offered a job by one of your teachers. Working as their assistant will give you the experience necessary to move into a different field.

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It's important to be practical about money matters. If your current line of work is drying up, transition to another. Do some research into industries that have a shortage of skilled workers. By getting a license or degree in such a field, you'll have your choice of lucrative jobs. It might even be possible to start your own business. You have all the organisational skills to run a successful operation. It also helps that you know how to stretch financial resources as far as possible.

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Your initiative, patience and self-reliance pay off beautifully. People are impressed by your willingness to learn as much as possible before entering business negotiations. Rather than relying on others to do the background research, you immerse yourself in the subject. This allows you to speak knowledgably about the deal and propose alternatives. Don't be surprised when your employer sends you on an important trip. They know you can be trusted to make a great impression on potential clients, striking a professional but friendly tone.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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An ability to empathise with others makes you a popular figure. People know they can come to you with their troubles, asking for sympathy and practical help. It gives you great pleasure to champion the needs of underserved people in your community. It doesn't matter whether this means performing valuable services for free several times a year or passing reforms. The important thing is to channel your compassionate energy into projects that can improve lives. Being a force for positive change helps take the sting out of upsetting news stories.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Focus on your goals like a laser. You will be able to realise any goal you desire out of sheer willpower. Are you looking for love? You'll find it at a party. Be sure to wear something that makes you look and feel fabulous. This will help you exude an air of confidence that is incredibly attractive. Don't be surprised when you're surrounded by admirers soon after entering the door. If you're in a relationship, your amour will have fantastic news. Thanks to you, they've realised a cherished dream.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Practice honesty in all professional and political dealings. It's easy to fact-check claims. Exaggerating your accomplishments on a CV or perpetuating false claims will get you in a lot of trouble. If the truth isn't working on your behalf, it's time to make some changes. Get the training and experience you need before pursuing a job promotion. Formulate a new idea that is aimed at helping most people, instead of a select few. Pretending something is green when it is red just makes you look foolish.

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