
Try not to entertain your worst suspicions, especially where a foreigner is concerned. Just because their methods differ from yours doesn't mean they are inferior. In fact, you could learn something valuable by keeping your mouth shut and eyes open. This isn't the best time to get embroiled in a lawsuit. Although you think it's perfectly obvious that the law is on your side, a judge will have a different take. Keep your head down and don't tempt Fate.

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Lending money to a friend will destroy a loving relationship. If you think someone is really hurting, put an anonymous envelope of cash in their mailbox. That way, your loved one won't feel obligated to pay you back, and you will have given a really helpful gift. Of course, if you can't afford to make such a gesture, then don't feel pressured. You can lend different kinds of support. Often, a shoulder on which to cry is more comforting than a loan.

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Don't assume that your boss will grant you time off if you need it. The earlier you ask for time off, the more likely you are to get it. Still, you shouldn't buy tickets or make hotel reservations until you get written confirmation that it is all right to leave, or you could get stuck with a hefty cancellation fee. It's not because your employer wants to make life difficult; it's just that a staffing shortage won't permit any unexpected absences.

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People will take your expertise for granted. In fact, colleagues who have less experience will treat you like an apprentice. Try not to let their distain get to you. Eventually, their ignorance will be revealed, and your boss will turn to you for guidance. Blow off steam with friends after hours. Laughing about your professional troubles will make them seem small and insignificant. Pour your creative energies into a new and different project that gives you real pleasure and satisfaction.

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You may be confusing lust with love. Take a good, hard look at a romantic obsession before embarking on a relationship. The two of you will be better off as friends. Although there is plenty of chemistry between you, the two of you have radically different values. Hold out for a partner who will cherish the same things you do. If you already have a lover, it may be time to put your heads together and set some common goals or you could drift apart.

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Making sacrifices on behalf of a best friend, lover, or business partner has become a bad habit. This time around, you need to do what is best for you. If that means keeping your own counsel, moving into your own place, or changing jobs, so be it. Don't be surprised if you're accused of betrayal. It's only natural that your other half is hurt by your decision. Still, nobody can accuse you of being selfish. Your generous behaviour speaks for itself.

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People have a way of twisting your words. Don't bother trying to defend yourself when the initial accusations are hurled. Tempers will be so high that it will be impossible to appeal to anyone's logic. Instead, retreat to a quiet place where you can craft a strategy. In time, cooler heads will prevail and people will listen to your side of the story. It's too bad that colleagues are so quick to jump to conclusions, but it's what happens when people become bored and frustrated.

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You need to take a principled stance, even at the risk of alienating a lover or youngster. Condoning bad behaviour will undermine the sanctity of your relationship. If you don't call your loved ones on their misdeeds, nobody else will. Besides, it's not as if you don't believe in redemption. Everybody makes mistakes; the challenge is to recognise and correct them. It may take your friend some time to come around to this point of view, but be patient. Miracles can happen.

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Putting too much emphasis on the past is messing with your mind. You need to make an important decision based on what is best for you right now. If that means putting some distance between you and a well meaning relative, so be it. You've always had tremendous respect for your elders, but that has hindered you from trusting your own instincts. Stop trying to win the approval of your nearest and dearest, and ask yourself what you think you're doing and why?

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You're being overly optimistic when it comes to dealing with a relative or neighbour. They have been their own worst enemy for a long time. Nothing you do will change that. Instead of going out of your way to set up your friend with a job interview, blind date, or audition, stay out of it or you'll be blamed if anything goes wrong. You're tired of being made a scapegoat all the time. Besides, you have more important things to do than put out this troublemaker's fires.

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Throwing money at a problem won't make it go away. If a group effort is proving more trouble than it is worth, you should quit. You don't mind leaving your ego at the door, so long as you're working with people who respect each other. When social jockeying enters the picture you know there's a problem. Ultimately, you have too many other responsibilities to worry about this issue. Withdraw honourably and wish everybody luck. Given the situation, nobody will blame you for abandoning ship.

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Don't assume other people will instantly accept your ideas. It will take time to convert your boss or an authority figure to your point of view. Until then, stay positive and stick to the point. You may have to revisit this issue several times before getting the green light. If you are turned down, don't get discouraged. Put your proposal in a drawer; you'll be able to resubmit it sooner than you think. The prevailing mood is too conservative to encourage risks.

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