
Life would be much simpler if you and someone you worked with or saw regularly could agree more often. Nine times out of ten you find yourself at odds with each other and so much time is wasted arguing. Recognise and accept everyone is entitled to their own opinion but don't get so lost in the fracas that you can't find your way out. Even if it's a simple case of agreeing to disagree this would be better than squandering away your time in argument!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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The unselfishness you are showing towards other people today is a quality which deserves to be admired. You might offer your services in a situation where there is a marked shortage of volunteers. The fact you are putting the needs of others in front of your own will not go by unnoticed. You aren't helping out to look good or feel better about yourself; this is a pure act of selflessness which is to be applauded.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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The only practical answer in a contentious situation involving a few people is to make a decision independent of all others. You aren't taking responsibility for anyone but yourself but you will be taking the first step to leading the way out of disputation and into harmony. Step back and observe as being an onlooker will give you a much better understanding of the situation. Once you make your mind up on what you're going to do you will be amazed at how many people turn around and follow you!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Stepping into another person's shoes doesn't always mean pain; someone may have something to be glad about today. You will be delighted when you hear their news and there is no doubt once you see someone relax and lighten up, you can start to relax a little too! Recently you may have been through a complex time in helping a friend or associate sort out their difficulties. Today you can put it all behind you as you also share their joy and laughter.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Being a good friend is understanding, the best you can, and not assuming to know what is right for others. Just as if you are the one who could do with some advice, be careful who you listen to. If there is a risk of someone using you or manipulating you while you're feeling miserable or dejected this is the day they will strike. Be prepared to duck a low blow someone tries to land and wait until you feel brighter before making big decisions.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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You have strength of mind and strength of will, if only the same thing could be said of other people today! Whereas restraining yourself and keeping your cool is a mature way to operate in an overwrought situation, there are others who don't display any self control. There is a way to manage a situation within the rules of society and it will be largely your personal efforts that bring about positive results.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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If you are fond of certain activities but these are keeping you away from your responsibilities put a limit on yourself. You don't have to give up your passion altogether but you do have to balance work with play. Admit it if you are spending too much time in one area and not enough in others. Do this before it starts to become a problem in your working life and your relationships.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Communication and a willingness on both sides of the issue to work things out is the best way to resolve your differences. If you and a partner can't see eye to eye then getting resentful towards each other will only magnify the problem. Whether it is money, sex, family or future plans appearing to cause this strife, make an effort to at least try to meet each other halfway.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Emails and phone calls don't seem to be having any impact on some people at the moment. If there is something you're annoyed about you could write a letter to the head of the company rather than try to resolve the matter with phone calls. This may be a positive step towards resolving your differences and having written evidence of a dispute could work to your advantage in the future.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Even though there are a lot of people around you, there's a sense of loneliness or isolation keeping you apart. It may be the case of it being lonely at the top and there's a need to hold yourself slightly aloof in order to retain the respect of your subordinates. Or on the opposite side of the coin, is it lonelier at the bottom because it seems you have a long way to go before you can gain the approval or reach the status of those in senior positions?

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Maybe you don't want to go along with the crowd today but it might be best to do so for the time being. There may be a time factor involved and a team effort won't succeed if every member of the group tries to go their separate way. Pull together and work together in a united effort. This excellent example of teamwork will prove to your rivals or those who doubt, exactly what can be done when a group of you put your minds to it.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You don't find it hard to see things from the perspective of another and someone is grateful for your understanding. You aren't jumping to conclusions; you are truly seeing a situation through another person's eyes. This makes it easier for you to help and advise. You might also do a lot to encourage others to shrug off the shackles of their preconceptions so as to judge without prejudice or malice.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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