
You have great insight to people's motives today. Flirting with a magnetic person adds a dash of spice to your life. If you're involved with someone special, it's possible you're contemplating marriage, or at least an engagement. Broach the subject now. An overseas wedding could appeal to you both. If you're already in a committed relationship, you may decide to go to a romantic retreat with your amour.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Taking up a diet or exercise programme gives you a burst of energy. You're far less prone to fall victim to depression if you treat your body with care and respect. Be sure to abide by a medical professional's advice. Your sex drive is at an all time high. Fortunately, everybody is fully aware of your allure, and responds accordingly. You'll have your pick of lovers, if you are so inclined.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Curling up with a good book may be just what the doctor ordered. A clever person like you needs intellectual stimulation to feel fresh and vital. Go ahead and pick up a kiss and tell biography or sleazy paperback; nobody will judge you. On the contrary, they'll admire your courage to follow your bliss. A love interest that focuses on you like a laser is both thrilling and disturbing. You adore being the object of their lust, but may be uncomfortable with their growing obsession.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A productive talk with a family member helps put financial fears to rest. It's always a good idea to formalise arrangements if someone gets old, infirm, or incapable of caring for themselves. Rearranging your work schedule will give you more time to enjoy life's little luxuries. Stop depriving yourself of the sights, sounds, and scents that give you pleasure. Go ahead and splurge on a beautiful work of art, a gorgeous piece of music, or a fragrant bouquet of flowers.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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This is an excellent opportunity to catch up on your correspondence. Spend a few hours responding to emails and returning phone calls. You could hear some wonderful news regarding a neighbour or relative. Someone could develop a romantic infatuation with you. Never underestimate your power to steal hearts. If you're single, feel free to pursue this affair. If you're in a relationship, give your lover a taste of your red hot love.

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A preoccupation with money matters could prompt you to review your spending habits. Making a few calculated economies will serve to build a sizable nest egg. Learning to listen to your instincts makes you immune to the temptation of expensive but meaningless status symbols. Facing fears you've had since childhood could be very liberating. It's a relief to know the bogeyman is just a figment of your imagination. Turn a deaf ear to a superstitious relative's warnings.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Today finds you discussing a subject you know intimately. In fact, your knowledge of this topic is so impressive you could be offered a teaching or lecturing job. You certainly have the star power to make a success out of such a position. A growing interest in a dark or macabre period of history only adds to your cachet. Don't be ashamed to admit you're intrigued by romance, violence, and money. So is everybody else, they just won't admit it!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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An authority figure could confess a deep secret so make sure not to betray this person's confidence. It's an honour to be trusted. Dealing with a bureaucratic institution like a hospital or government agency may be easier than you think. If you have to do battle with such an organisation, go armed with as many documents as possible. This will make it virtually impossible to refuse the permission you seek. Resourceful use of money adds to your reputation as a capable leader.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Mixing with people from all walks of life teaches you things you could never learn in a classroom. Take this opportunity to widen your social circle. People who have a strong background in the arts are especially attractive to you. You enjoy how these friends always manage to find beauty in every setting. Your powerful personality could gain you entry to a religious, cultural, or educational institution.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Devote some serious thought to your career prospects. Over the past few years, you've undergone a slow but subtle transformation. Material wealth is no longer as important as spiritual fulfilment. Working for a humanitarian organisation could be miles more rewarding than any jobs you've held in the commercial sector. If you already have a job with a charity, you may want to wield power from behind the scenes.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Gaining admittance to a college you've wanted to attend is a distinct possibility. Go ahead and apply to a highly competitive program. Submitting a piece of written work for publication is also favoured. A powerful friend could put you in contact with someone who can make this dream come true. Although you don't like the idea of using social contacts to mount the ladder of success, you can feel confident in doing so with this project.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Tackling a sensitive issue like joint finances, wills, or alimony is probably a good idea. You're able to make your case without getting overly emotional. Don't be afraid to assert your authority. A show of power will subdue your enemies. A discussion with someone special boosts your magnetism. You could draw admiring glances wherever you go. Throwing your energy into a project that is close to your heart will prove rewarding.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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