
A relationship can sparkle today and if you're on the look out for love then start looking around today. Spending an enjoyable day with someone you like can chase the blues away; if the weather isn't co-operating, go and do something in the cosy sanctuary of your home. The main thrust of today is about being with other people and not going it alone. The Aries astrological lesson is to realise that it takes two to tango and one to trip up over themselves!

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Health hassles that range from sore throats to bad backs need dealing with before you lose an opportunity. Taureans enjoy the good life but you have a tendency to shun exercise, but this is a bad mistake. Begin a gentle, new health regimen today. Starting slow is the key; lifting small weights or taking short walks will put an attractive glow in your cheeks that will make you want to continue. This is a perfect time to get in shape as it heightens your vitality and makes you hardy enough to chase away any lackaday ailment.

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Stop right there, are you ready for some love action or fresh creative stance, then today's the day to go for it! Exercising caution with your spending is prudent, as this month may be less flush than others. If you take a good, hard look at your budget, you can find areas in which to economise. Cutting corners isn't just about saving money; it's about having something to show for all your hard work. You disrespect yourself when you overspend.

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Time to get over a family feud or kitchen sink drama but forgiving for now if never forgetting ever. A child may take out their anger on you, making you feel hurt and disappointed. At times like these, it's important to take their emotional maturity into account. You're the adult in this situation. The next time you see a temper tantrum on the horizon, suggest an activity that will allow them to vent their frustration in a healthy way rather than against you.

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Communicate for all you're worth as a little self-publicity will go a long way to letting people see what you're really like. Think over a business proposal, no matter how undesirable it seems on the surface. Some negotiation could turn this seemingly dull deal into a chance of the lifetime. Fortunately, you've never been afraid of pressing your agenda. The fact that you can charm the birdies down from the trees merely adds to your pulling power.

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Give your finances a good going over and by that I mean only spending what you can afford and accounting for the rest. Matters of self worth are accented today ­ when was the last time you invested in your own confidence and self-esteem? Even if you're not good at anything in particular that doesn't mean you have to sit like a bump on a log. You have something nobody can take away from you, your individuality and as such you forget to praise and activate what makes you so unique.

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The Moon in your sign arouses your sensitivities, which is emotionally very attractive but don't take things too personally. You're more determined than ever to do things your way, even if it means going against the family grain. Don't get discouraged if nobody wants to accompany you to somewhere nice. You'll still have a good time going on your own. In fact, you will enjoy yourself even more and meet a companion on the way and even better, you won't have to listen to the complaints of others.

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Your psychic powers are on full alert so if you hear or see something unusual it's wise to take note and listen. A strained relationship can be fixed, provided you're willing to extend an olive branch. Usually, you'd rather die than admit a wrongdoing. However, you're starting to feel the negative consequences of stubborn behaviour from the past. Instead of resigning yourself to a life of loneliness, reach out to the people who love you.

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A gay or female friend is the best you can have as they give advice that is so wise you'd be foolish to ignore it. It feels like you're getting nowhere fast, laden down with unrewarding work, and that makes you resentful. Try to look at the bigger picture. It's possible that you've put yourself in the position to be victimised. The next time somebody tries to foist an undesirable job on you, refuse to submit. There is such a thing as being too agreeable.

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Your public image is positively shimmering so if you want to get ahead then go for a career that reveals your compassion. The social scene is calling your name ­ don't hide under the covers for your chance has arrived to meet a new bunch of folks. The opportunity to dress up gives your ego a chance to show off. Your wry, dry sense of humour helps break the ice with a shy person. This is one time when you should feel free to say the first thing that pops into your head. Your comments will make people change their mind about you from negative to positive.

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Pick a place to travel as there are offers and bargains around so you can afford a journey you've always wanted to make. Take a break if you can't it's because you constantly put off chores until the last minute. Try to tackle one small job each day during the week. That way, you'll be able to spend prolonged periods of pleasure with those you like and do what you really want to do. Writes out a schedule if you think it will make you more disciplined, but just don't clog up your fun time with mundane duty.

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A sensitive subject you've been meaning to get around to can be dealt with now without upsetting anyone. Irresponsible spending patterns could put you and others in financial jeopardy if you're not careful. You may have inherited bad habits from your upbringing. The key to breaking this cycle is to recognise when and why you spend money. There's a good chance that you're loading up on junk as a means to feel more tied down. Think about it.

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