
Too many rules and regulations make you frustrated. You want to be free to experiment. Unfortunately, the authorities are insisting you follow a strict code that doesn't allow for any changes. Do what is expected of you at work. When you've fulfilled your duties, pour your energy into an exciting creative outlet. Being busily employed in anything that helps you burn off excess energy and takes your mind off current events will feel liberating. Soon, you'll attract a work opportunity that is much more suited to your adventurous temperament.

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Stop living in denial. The sooner you accept the painful truth of a situation, the faster you will embark on a more rewarding path. It's possible that a romantic partner hasn't been giving you the care and attention you deserve. Instead of trying to make them love you, be good to yourself. Take yourself out for a delicious meal, treat yourself to some beautiful luxuries and spend more time on creative pursuits. Your partner will renew their interest in you or leave your side. Either way, you win.

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Abusing your power will cause great resentment. Just because you can punish people doesn't mean you should. If you're dealing with a disinterested and unmotivated colleague, have a heart to heart discussion with them. Explain how their behaviour is affecting your performance. Ask how you can boost their morale. Your gentle approach will work wonders. Nobody likes being given orders. People are much more likely to change when they are treated with dignity. Pattern your behaviour after a leader you've always admired.

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Stop beating yourself up for making mistakes. You're a human being. That means you're bound to make errors. Instead of wallowing in shame, give yourself credit for making a good try. It may take a few attempts to achieve success, so be patient. If you feel guilty about the way you treated a former amour, vow to do better in all your current relationships. Show your appreciation for friends, relatives and neighbours. Make a list of your current partner's best qualities. Focus on the positive aspects of everyone you know.

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Luck has not been on your side. This is an unusual circumstance for you. Usually, you have no trouble attracting the love, money and opportunity you desire. A series of losses has been devastating. At times like these, it's important to change your perspective. Resist the temptation to dwell on everything that has gone wrong. Instead, develop a plan that fills you with excitement. Starting an art project, hiring a personal trainer or taking up a spiritual practice are all good ways to lift your spirits.

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If you want to influence people, you must change your own approach. Work harder to give yourself the care and attention you need to thrive. Spend more time on the activities you enjoy, like reading, communing with nature and spending time with pets. Rather than lecturing your nearest and dearest, let them accept the consequences of their actions. You'll be pleasantly surprised by how responsible and conscientious your relatives are. They don't need any prompting from you. Show faith in their judgement.

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There's nothing wrong with wanting to be alone. Even a social butterfly like you needs to rest your wings occasionally. Today's situation is different. You've withdrawn from public view because you are hurt. A friend's teasing remarks or a relative's backhanded compliments are hurtful. Instead of suffering in silence, confront your tormentor in a public place. This will shock them into behaving more considerately. You're always so mild-mannered, discreet and diplomatic. When you have an emotional outburst, it's because you've been pushed past the brink of endurance.

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Don't be lured into a manipulative person's orbit. You'll stay out of danger by staying away from this con artist. If a loved one has fallen under their spell, issue a warning and then make a strategic retreat. Have faith in their judgement. Your friend will heed your warning if you give them some space. Have you been the victim of fraud? Don't hesitate to file an official report. Although you're embarrassed about the situation, it's important to bring it to the public's attention.

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It's important to admit when you've made mistakes. Pretending everything is fine will cause other people to question your judgement. It's much better to acknowledge your error and ask for forgiveness. If you've been harsh with a relative, adopt a gentler attitude. It's possible this family member has been dealing with a physical problem that has been hidden from view. Being compassionate and encouraging will ease the healing process. Being hard and unyielding will make recovery more difficult.

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Ignoring your intuition is getting you in trouble. Staying in a toxic environment will have a negative impact on you. Instead of caring about others, you'll be forced to focus on your own needs. You won't have the energy to help colleagues with their work. People will resent your selfish behaviour and your reputation will suffer. It's much better to obey your instincts and move on to greener pastures. Finding a better job or moving to a new neighbourhood will lift your spirits.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You lack direction. When you start daydreaming, bring your attention to the present moment. Find something you can do to be productive. This can be anything from sweeping the floor to organising files to returning an email. Focusing on a task will strengthen your resolve. Instead of wondering what your next move should be, you'll realise which path to take. You'll be inspired to find a job, embark on a fitness programme or book a trip. Drifting through life isn't your style; take control of your destiny.

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You're worried you will be cheated at work. Resist the temptation to take out your anxieties in subversive ways. Cutting corners, exaggerating costs or spreading rumours will undermine your professional progress. It's much better to do your best, even if your boss doesn't appreciate you. By generating positive energy, you'll attract a job worthy of your talent. Complaining will drive opportunity from your door. The choice is yours. If you lack the experience and training necessary to get your dream job, sign up for a course.

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