
You will discover you don't know enough about a subject to speak authoritatively about it. Enlist the aid of an expert. You will find this professional dreadfully stuffy, but it can't be helped. Listen attentively and learn all you can. Keep your thoughts to yourself about this experience. Spreading gossip will only reflect badly on you. If anyone teases you about these lessons, give a good-natured smile and change the subject. You have bigger fish to fry, like capitalising on your newfound knowledge.

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Letting down your defences with a romantic partner will be revealing. It may become evident that you aren't suited to one another. You value security and comfort while your other half craves adventure. It will be hard building a life that satisfies both of you. Well-intentioned friends will try to give you advice. Thank them for their concerns but listen to your heart. You're not the type who can smooth over problems with a fake smile. Be brutally honest with yourself and your amour.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A partnership is undergoing some changes. Since you first teamed up, you've gained a lot of experience. It's time to be compensated accordingly. Be ready to demand a bigger share of a business or a higher salary; you've earned it. A career that once brought great happiness has lost its charm. You're ready to explore other opportunities. Don't make any drastic moves. Explore different industries that appeal to your creative or philanthropic interests. This will help you make an informed decision about your next move.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You've come to the end of the road with a job. Be open to looking for another position. Working overseas is a strong possibility. You'll enjoy the challenge of adapting to another culture. Living in another country will deepen your appreciation for home. A legal matter is very confusing. It will be necessary to get professional advice to sort things out. Don't be tempted into breaking an agreement, even if it seems unfair. The last thing you want is to get embroiled in a lawsuit.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A romance reaches a turning point. You may decide to get engaged, married or break up. Let your emotions be your guide. Talking yourself into a relationship is as silly as convincing yourself against it. Your heart knows what is best for you. Review bank and credit card statements with a fine-toothed comb. If you find any questionable charges, send up a red flag. The sooner you alert your financial situation, the faster they will resolve the problem.

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You're coming to terms with an emotional situation. Knowing the truth of a troubling family matter is important. You can't keep ignoring a relative's need for help. If you must break off a toxic bond, so be it. Actions have consequences. A potential partner is playing hot and cold. Instead of trying to figure out how your amour really feels, lavish yourself with affection. Get a spa treatment, splash out on some luxuries or do some reading for pleasure.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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The answer to a question will arrive and you won't be thrilled by it. Rather than dwelling on your disappointment, make a new plan. The Universe works in mysterious ways. The moment you accept its unlimited bounty, you will experience grace. A mysterious ache or pain demands attention. Be open to trying an alternative healing therapy. Acupressure, aromatherapy or Reiki can restore your body to its natural balance. Ignore cynics who tease you about these treatments. The important thing is for you to feel better.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You'll get the job you've been awaiting. Although the pay won't be quite as much as you'd hoped, it is a good idea to accept this offer. Earning regular pay will give you a chance to shower your amour with gifts. Someone who doesn't understand your creative vision can be ignored. There will never be a unanimous opinion about art. For every detractor you encounter, you'll find at least two admirers. Focus on the positive and eliminate the negative.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You don't have to make any concessions; this is your opportunity to call the shots. If you're not happy with the terms of a contract, renegotiate better ones. Be direct. If the other party doesn't agree to your demands, feel free to walk away. Your family isn't being very supportive. They think you're making a foolish decision. You're not the type to play it safe. You'd much rather abandon a secure situation that feels restrictive than have a regular income. Stay true to your instincts.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's time for closure with a work matter. End a feud with a colleague, even if it means being the one to extend an olive branch. Your rival may not be very gracious about accepting your apology, but the important thing is to make it. Be very clear about issuing instructions. It helps to write a list of what needs to be done. Show it to a detail-oriented Gemini or Virgo and ask for feedback. They'll give helpful advice on clarifying any confusing sections.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A long-term project is finally coming to an end. The results are mixed. Try not to dwell on what went wrong. The important thing is that you delivered the work on time and under budget. There will be an opportunity for improvement later. Be responsible when handling money. You might think buying an expensive item is no big deal, but it could have serious consequences for your credit report. Rather than insisting on owning this luxury item right now, wait and save up for it.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your hard work is paying off, but the reward isn't as exciting as you expected. That's because your dreams are expanding. A promotion or job that once filled you with excitement now seems like a minor accomplishment. It's not; bask in this moment. After the celebrations are over, turn your attention to a personal matter. Becoming a published writer, taking a trip overseas or launching your own business are among the possibilities. Don't look to others to approve your plans; just follow your own star.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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