
The day has a sweet and sour flavour. Through giving more time, patience and attention to a personal project, you will be able to come to terms with a situation that's been worrying you for some time. This will make you feel more in control of some areas of your life. You may, however, have to handle a loved-one's aggression, in the evening. One consolation: their anger won't be aimed at you.

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You might find you're attracted to someone who is a lot older than you are, and their response to your discreet advances makes it look like they feel the same way. Don't let the age difference put you off. If you have the chance to build something special with someone who can offer you emotional support and who makes you feel happy, reach out and grab it.

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A friend might be relying on you to support them but this could make you feel psychologically uneasy. The more this person becomes dependent on you, the more inclined you are to extract yourself from the relationship. You want to keep things on casual terms, perhaps because you sense they have romantic aspirations but you don't now and you never will feel the same way about them.

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Be careful about how you respond to a romantic overture from someone you work with, or who has some degree of authority over you. Up until today, you might have thought of this person as a good friend and you don't really want to change that. If you handle the situation wrongly, the camaraderie between you might vanish altogether and this could make your life miserable in the future.

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A partner's reckless actions might cause you to have second thoughts about the value of this relationship. Before doing anything too hasty, ask yourself why your mate has behaved so irresponsibly. It could be that they've been feeling neglected and this is a desperate attempt to gain your attention. Spending more time in each other's company might be all that's needed to restore good relations.

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A longing to splash out on a luxury item will cause a temporary feeling of uncertainty and even guilt. But it might be a longing that's too strong to ignore. Why suppress your feelings and ignore your desire to treat yourself to something nice for a change? Don't fight it. You must be able to indulge yourself every once in a while if you're going to be fulfilled.

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Pushing your own concerns aside and rushing to someone's rescue when they need it will change the boundaries of this relationship forever. If you find yourself physically drawn to another, let your body language show it. Suddenly you will realise that romance isn't a flippant endeavour. You're serious about your feelings and needing to know someone feels the same about you, keeps you in delicious suspense.

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Start thinking about taking better care of yourself now. When obligations are heavy, the first thing that gets neglected is your health, but by looking after your general well-being, you will also be protecting your future interests. A healthy mind and body keeps you alert for opportunities that might improve your social and business status. Establish a new exercise or diet program, today.

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A snippet of gossip that reaches your ears alerts you to the fact that someone you trusted, isn't as reliable as you had imagined. Accepting that a relationship has its flaws is essential if you're going to be able to put this painful lesson behind you. Whether your alliance continues is ultimately, up to you. But what will be necessary is a change of attitude when perhaps you've been expecting more than someone has been willing to give.

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An extravagant buy might seem like a good idea today, but it will seem more like a careless purchase tomorrow, when you start to count the cost. If you must go shopping, keep your credit cards firmly secured in your wallet. Better still, leave them at home. Splashing out will not buy you happiness but getting together with family and close friends might fill that empty space inside of you.

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An older relative might insist on imposing their ideas on the whole family even if they are old-fashioned and time-consuming. Before objecting too loudly, consider how much it will mean to them, to have their suggestions put into practice. Take time to indulge those whose demands are trying but harmless and as well as making them happy, you'll be doing them a big favour.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A secret crush could chase all serious thoughts out of your mind. You're forgetful and slightly careless because your head is in the clouds. There's a temptation to reveal your feelings but think twice if this might damage a stable relationship. Whether the object of your desire's already attached, or you're the one who is linked to another, you don't want to ruin relationships for the sake of what could be a temporary whim.

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