
It may be wise to back out of a social commitment. Although you love spending time with friends and family, you've had too much of a good thing. Take this opportunity to rest, reflect and take stock of your progress. What relationships and pursuits are no longer working for you? What kind of life would you enjoy having? A few changes may be all that is necessary to restore your natural enthusiasm. Don't ask loved ones what they think of your plans; simply trust your instincts.

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Career matters are frustrating. You're not making as much progress as you would like. Instead of putting more pressure on yourself, make a strategic retreat. Turn your attention to domestic matters instead. Cooking, gardening and decorating will be a good forum for your creative talent. Finding an outlet for your artistic side will take the sting out of professional setbacks. Soon, your good nature will return. It will be easier to perform work without resentment.

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Current events are making you upset. Instead of obsessing over troubling news stories, find ways to be productive. Working for a charitable or humanitarian organisation can be rewarding. Choose a cause that has personal meaning. Raising money for an animal shelter, hospital or school will be empowering. The world won't seem so dark when you're using your talent to help others. Keep your distance from pessimists, even if they are good friends. You don't need negative energy.

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An intimate relationship feels threatening. You're scared what will happen if you let your guard down. Instead of giving into your fears, face them. Continuing to shut trustworthy people out of your life is damaging. Push past your anxieties and approach a friend. Discuss your hopes, dreams and disappointments with this individual. You'll be surprised how sympathetic they are to your plight. Sharing these feelings will create a deeper level of closeness that is reassuring. Why suffer in silence?

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You're yearning for someone to take care of you, but nobody is heeding this prayer. Instead of continuing this interminable wait, do something nice for yourself. Enjoy a spa treatment, gourmet meal or shopping trip. When you start treating yourself well, others will follow suit. Creature comforts are as critical to you as food and water. There's no reason to deprive yourself of these delights. If you have a romantic partner who refuses to indulge you, it's time to have a talk.

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The daily routine is grinding you down. Make some changes while you have the power to do so. Instead of putting in overtime, leave the office on time. Go for a walk after hours. Meet a friend for drinks. Do whatever you can to mix things up. When you perform the same work over and over again, your brain goes to sleep. This is extremely frustrating for someone with your keen intellect. Do whatever you can to stay engaged with life.

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It's been too long since you enjoyed fun and games. Put work on the back burner, even if it means missing a deadline or breaking a promise. Unless change your priorities, you'll become bitter and resentful. You've always had a deep appreciation for art, music and movies. Indulge in these pursuits now, while your soul is yearning for stimulation. Slowly but surely, that knot in your chest will dissolve, making you more receptive to love. Work will seem less odious and you'll even take pleasure in your duties.

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Dwelling on the past is undermining your happiness. Rid your home of painful reminders. You don't necessarily have to throw photos and keepsakes away. It may be best to put these mementoes away for a wee while. Fill these empty spaces with representations of your dream life. Travel posters, mantras and inspiring artwork could all be interesting additions to your living space. You have the power to make a fresh start, if you can let go of lingering resentments and wistful memories.

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Worrying doesn't accomplish anything. Find strategies for coping with anxiety. Deep breathing exercises, self hypnosis and guided imagery can be therapeutic. Instead of waiting for the next wave of fear, develop a technique that can be put into action at a moment's notice. A few simple preparations can make a big difference to your health. Staying away from overly cautious individuals can also be helpful. Seek out calm, positive people who know how to roll with the punches.

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Overspending will put you in jeopardy. Keep your credit cards in your wallet. The last thing you want is to be up all night, worrying about bills. If you're living from one payday to the next, it's time to change. Look for a job that pays well. Eliminate unnecessary expenditures. Pay off your debts. Achieving economic freedom will be a long, involved process. Fortunately, you're extremely patient when working towards worthy goals. Be determined and don't get distracted by silly status symbols.

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It's tempting to engage in destructive behaviour to ease pain. Indulging in vices will be exciting at first, but will only compound problems later. Resist the urge to binge on junk food, fill your credit cards and numb pain with alcohol. It's better to confront the source of trouble. Ending a toxic relationship could be in the cards. You might also have to break off a business alliance that has been weighing on your conscience. The last thing you want is to be associated with unethical people.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're feeling burned out for a good reason. Stop making yourself available to needy individuals. There is no reason you should shoulder other people's burdens; you have enough challenges of your own. A relative who always complains they are too tired and sick to cope with responsibility is taking advantage of you. Take this opportunity to establish healthier boundaries. Stop covering their expenses. Above all, never stand guarantor for this troublemaker. Protect your interests.

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