
A friendship or loving relationship is making you feel smothered and uneasy. You won't have expected someone who was easygoing and agreeable to begin with become so demanding and controlling. Is their behaviour odd or have they cleverly disguised their true personality? You might need some space to mull over these new developments and to seriously consider your feelings about this person.

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Some careful thought could lead you to considering new directions. You might not like the way a person in power has too much influence over your life. It's time perhaps to break away from areas that are becoming too constricting. Once you've made up your mind, don't back out. It is never easy to instigate change so just take a deep breath and take the initiative.

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Events taking place some distance away from your normal locale may cause you tension or disturbed emotions. Your instinct is to take off immediately as you feel you can be of more use to someone who needs you by being there with them. Problems could occur through transport delays and other inhibiting factors. You will probably be better off staying put, for the time being!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You haven't the physical or mental energy to get through all you had planned today. If you feel surprisingly lethargic and lazy, rather than fight the feeling, delay all you had set out to do until another time. Why not give the day over to rest, relaxation, romance and precious little else? If you feel guilty about turning your back on responsibilities, a loved one's insistence for you to do nothing will settle the matter!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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People mistake what you're trying to say to them and you get the wrong impression from others. It's one of those days when everything and everyone seems to oppose you. At times you wonder why you bother. Even if you know in some circumstances you are over reacting, saying what you think at least helps you get rid of a lot of pent up emotion!

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You are overdoing everything at the moment and you're pushing yourself too hard. Guard your health. Tiredness will cause irritability; this might upset someone you love and they will grow prickly as a result. You're on edge and if you don't want your mood to rub off on those around you, you should seriously start thinking about taking it easy.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You might sense your partner or another loved one is keeping something from you. You can't ignore your instincts and you know something doesn't quite add up in a close relationship. You can't be too careful about what you say to other people today. The right words will encourage them to open up to you. The wrong ones will make them clam up even more!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You could always catch up on neglected odds and ends about the house if you feel so inclined. Telling yourself what you should be doing is easy. Getting on with it is another matter. You're only going to feel annoyed if your mind keeps preying on what you could and should be getting on with even though you aren't in the mood. Instead you should just accept the need to unwind.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A change in planned activities will be both annoying and frustrating. You are prevented from getting on with previously made arrangements because someone else is calling the tune. If you must allow others to make the decisions during the daylight hours, at least have the sense to follow your own instincts this evening. This should lead you to places where you're bound to have some fun!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You might suspect someone is trying to talk you into an underhand or dodgy scheme. A policy, arrangement or agreement could be more expensive than you originally imagined it was going to be. It's not a good time to make a firm commitment as it will be hard to extract yourself from it, later on. Where there is doubt, you would do better to pull out before things go any further.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You might feel cramped or restrained if you are indoors for most of the day. The atmosphere could be edgy and you sense tension in a relationship although no one is willing to discuss what's on their mind. If a loved one is feeling miserable, that's no reason to allow the cloud of gloom they're making settle around your shoulders. Some fresh air and exercise might help blow away the cobwebs.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Why feel obliged to help someone out when you have more than enough of your own to do? If you're feeling sluggish and slow, it's not sensible to take on any more responsibilities. Leave others to fulfil their own obligations; don't get involved. If you are too weak willed to say no when others make demands on you, expect this to be a long, busy and tiring day!

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