
Although you have the power to push people around, it doesn't mean you should use it. On the contrary, nudging someone beyond their limits will make you look like a bully. A gentler approach is needed. If someone defies your authority, don't take it personally. They are just reacting to your position. Of course, you need to establish you're the dominant figure here. Do this by an imposing a punishment that is strict but fair. Refrain from abusive language.

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You're notoriously stubborn, particularly in matters of ethics. Unfortunately, everyone else doesn't share your views. This doesn't give you license to lecture them. In fact, the more you try to shame people into doing things your way, the more they'll resist your efforts. It's fine to voice your dissention, but do it in a quiet, dignified way. When it comes to religion and politics, you should probably keep entirely silent or a pleasant group dynamic will be destroyed.

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If you've been irresponsible with joint finances, you've got to come clean. The person who shares this money with you deserves to know the truth. Granted, this confession will be a serious blow to your relationship. Your union may not even survive. Still, it's better to prepare them now than to have them learn about the situation through other means. If you're in serious debt, think about your options. A financial expert can help you decide the best route to take.

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An intimate relationship is showing signs of strain. If the passion has gone out of a romantic union, it's up to you to restore it. Of course, it's possible you've tried everything to keep the magic alive, and still nothing changes. If that's the case, perhaps it's time to part ways. A tenacious person like you hates to let go of something so precious, but consider how unhappy you've been. Lean on friends for support as you make the break.

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Work could be unbearable and you simply can't function under these conditions. Although bystanders will say you're crazy for walking away from work in today's economy, you simply don't have a choice. If you're coping with an abusive boss or colleague, consider filing a complaint or launching a lawsuit or they will continue mistreating the weaker members of the team. Draw on your spiritual reserves when your confidence wavers. You're stronger than you realise.

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Childish rebellion is about to break through that earnest veneer of yours. You are sick and tired of being the responsible one all of the time. A friend who promised to take care of certain responsibilities could back out of the deal. It will be impossible to contain your anger and disappointment. Don't let this setback prevent you from going on holiday or spending more time on the activities you love. If you're stuck, hire a professional to handle things while you're away.

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You may have no other choice but to leave your home. Although this comes as a bitter blow, there is no point in dwelling on your grief. Pack your stuff and get out of there as soon as possible or the situation will continue to weigh on your heart. A nurturing male friend is willing to take you in while you find another place to live. Don't let pride stand in the way of doing what is best. If you have young children, this is especially important.

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You're about to be told of some harsh realities which have slipped beneath your radar. Normally, you're more perceptive. This time you wanted so much to believe things were good that you lost sight of the truth. Stop deferring to someone who always makes you feel inferior. While it's true they have superior knowledge, this doesn't mean you are worthless. On the contrary, you possess a talent that consumes them with jealousy. Stop neglecting this gift; it needs nurturing.

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Underhanded business tactics will catch up to you. It's better to be forthright about your products and services, even at the risk of losing clients. If you've been involved with illegal activities, it's time to come clean. Notifying the authorities will mitigate your punishment. If your lover or business partner has put you in financial jeopardy, you've got to move quickly. Ask a financial expert for ways on reducing the damage. Your livelihood is at stake.

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Headstrong behaviour is driving people from your door. You possess tremendous leadership ability, but need to learn how to exercise it effectively. Just because you think you know the best way to do things doesn't mean you can impose your will on others. The best executives win people to their side before putting a plan into action. Take a romantic or business partner's threats seriously. If you don't change your ways, your relationship will fall apart.

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An intimate intrigue could lead to disaster. Whether you're a direct participant or someone's alibi, you need to come clean. Continuing this deception will hurt innocent people and ruin your reputation. Yes, it's been fun harbouring a secret, but there are better ways to make life exciting. Maybe the reason you went down this path is because you've been playing it safe. Finding a more challenging line of work could cause your craving for drama to subside.

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You can't fight a bullying bureaucracy at least not today. Trying to swim against the tide will just leave you battered and bruised. It's better to play along, even if your conscience is screaming in agony. Resist the urge to drop your duties for the sake of pleasure. If people see you having fun while everyone else is toiling away, you'll be a social pariah. A love affair may feel more oppressive than pleasurable. Break things off now, while you're still in control.

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