
You have lots of imaginative ideas, but need a project through which you can channel them. Idle daydreams make you feel restless and irritable. If you're unsure of how to progress with a certain plan of action, ask a practical Virgo or Taurus. This person can show you how to direct your passion in sensible directions. Carving out more private time can also prompt you to further develop brilliant concepts.

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You have big ambitions for your loved ones, but that doesn't mean you should exert constant pressure on them. Give both lovers and children a chance to play and have fun. Otherwise, their goals will become odious burdens, instead of worthy pursuits. It's also important to take into consideration your needs versus theirs. Are you sure you aren't projecting your dreams onto your nearest and dearest? If so, it's time to correct this.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Although you have lots of professional commitments, you need to spend more time with family. Otherwise, the support you derive from loved ones could slowly dry up, leaving you with a hollow victory indeed. If you're all alone in the world, it may be a good idea to build up a family of friends. That way, your job will cease to be the centre of your universe. The more varied your life, the better.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Even though you may know a lot about a particular subject, it doesn't make you an authority on everything. Give friends, relatives, and colleagues a chance to show off their knowledge. That way, they'll be more receptive to the information you have to share. In addition, you'll learn a few new things, and they may even convince you to amend your opinions about certain subjects. Open your mind and heart.

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Spending as much as you earn isn't the wisest course of action right now. It's better to put aside a significant chunk of your income into a savings account. Of course, if you have debts, you should pay them off first. This may take a while, but it's better than letting interest rates accumulate. Don't be ashamed. These days, everybody has fallen victim to the lure of credit cards. Break the cycle of dependence.

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You've been making plenty of compromises lately, but these favours have failed to be returned. Maybe it's because you're not demanding enough. Start making your needs clear. If debtors fail to respond, you may want to call a halt to job's, chores or duties that they have come to take for granted. This could result in a heated confrontation, but that's better than letting your resentments fester. Playing the martyr is only satisfying in the short term.

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Getting involved with a group activity will help you feel less isolated. It doesn't matter how small or big your contribution is, provided you are mixing with people on a regular basis. Think about getting involved with a charitable organisation that is close to your heart and you will meet others who share your concerns and aspirations. It also helps to know that your work is making a positive difference in the world.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You're impressed by other people's accomplishments, but you don't give yourself enough credit. The next time you feel jealous about somebody else's talents, remind yourself of a recent accomplishment. Better yet, take this opportunity to develop a burgeoning talent. Each of us is blessed with a unique set of skills. By making the most of your gifts, you'll be able to appreciate other people's strengths, instead of envying them.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're starting to worry that you don't have the emotional strength to carry out certain job responsibilities. At times like these, it pays to surround yourself with supportive friends and relatives. Let their praise and encouragement sink into your bones. It will be much easier for you to accomplish your tasks when you have a cheering section behind you. If your loved ones don't support your aims, find some friends who do.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's important to get the basic training you need in order to achieve your larger goals. Although this may mean delaying a trip or class, you can be assured that your efforts will be worthwhile. Don't be afraid to get instruction in writing or computer skills. Lots of people pretend that these abilities come naturally, but the truth is that very few people have mastered these tools. Get an edge over the competition now.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If you'd like to achieve financial success, you may have to form some strong partnerships. Sometimes it's just too difficult to attempt certain goals on your own. Seek out people who have experience in unfamiliar areas. By combining forces, the two of you can reach incredible heights. True, you'll have to share the fruits of your labour, but that's better than not reaping any harvest whatsoever. Let go of your ego!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You may look confident and easygoing to others, but the truth of the matter is that you're rather insecure. That's because you're always measuring your progress against that of your friends and relatives. What you don't realise is that your goals are different to theirs. Therefore, you're comparing apples with oranges. Stop looking at your loved ones as competitors and start treating them as supporters. Your confidence will soar accordingly.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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